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Re: [usb] Fw: join

    So here is the situation. I am doing several applications in which I am
going to use USB. None done yet. In one I can use a chip (I don't know which
to use yet) but in the other I would like to get to do an ASIC in the end,
and having that core would be nice. In both applications I need a function
(not a host or hub). I would need high rates in one of them, so I can
consider coding USB2.0 from the start.
Now I would like to ask a few questions:
1. Was there any work done on the subject?
2. Does anyone here realy know USB, and can help me, first with finding the
right configuration with a ready made chip. I think that would be a good
experience for me to work at least once with this standard and to get the
feel of it.
3. Maybe you have some kind of overview of the spec, that could help me too.
I am reading the whole spec, but it is a little bit boring.

Thank you very much, I hope I will be able to contribute this block to this
great afford.
btw: I read an article about opencores in the local news here (israel)
saying that this initiatives realy threten to change the whole map of IP in
the world, especialy because of the openRISC1000.
that's impressive.

Bye for now - Lior
----- Original Message -----
From: Jamil Khatib <jamilkhatib75@yahoo.com>
To: <usb@opencores.org>
Cc: <lior@mindless.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [usb] Fw: join

> --- Lior Shtram <lior@mindless.com> wrote:
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Lior Shtram
> > To: usb@opencores.org_NOSPAM
> > Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2000 12:27 PM
> > Subject: join
> >
> >
> > Hi there,
> >     I am a design engineer working for Flextronics
> > Semiconductor. I am now in need of an USB function
> > and am ready do code this. Would that help? I would
> > love helping you and also like to receive help.
> >
> You are more than welcomed.
> In fact no one has done real work. You may be teh
> first one who will do real work
> every one will help you in this project
> > Thank,
> >     Lior Shtram
> >
> >
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