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Re: [pci] Implementing the PCI-CRT project using ISE 5.2 & the supplied project

>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Schulte <matts@commtech-fastcom.com> writes:

    Matt> No, the unchanged project does not compile for me.  When I open
    Matt> the project, it doesn't know the location of any of the source
    Matt> files, so I have to add each one manually.

    Matt> It is entirely possible that I am leaving something out along the
    Matt> way, but I don't see what.

The project found another place in the hierachy then I thought. The pathes
need to be adapted in the project file. Please try the changed project
appended and report error/success, so that Miha or Tadej may applyy.


Uwe Bonnes                bon@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de

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