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[pci] Trying to build CRT example with webpack 5.1 and the Memec 2S200 Board [Resent]

[it seems my first mail didn't get asent out because of the attachments. I
will not sent the attachments with thi message, but will send the files on


I am trying to use your PCI core. First I want to reproduce the CRT
example. I have bought the Memec Spartan-II 2S200 PCI board and use Webpack
(ise-demo) 5.1 (mostly with wine under linux). I have
- designed a plugin card with Cadsoft Eagle, using the mating connector for
the Memec board, containing the R2R DAC, the VGA connector and some other
hardware for the task I want to fullfill finally
- adapted pci/apps/crt/syn/ucf/pci_crt.ucf to the Spartan 2S200 board and my
plug-in layout (appended at bottom)
- created a new directory, into which I copied the content from
pci/rtl/verilog and pci/apps/crt/rtl/verilog (in that order, so that top.v
and pci_user_constants.v from the pci/apps/crt/rtl/verilog directory
overwrite those from pci/rtl/verilog)
- created a new ise-5.1 project, into which I checked in top.v and pci_crt.ucf
 (crt.npl file appended at bottom)
- run the project, created the .jed file and used impact to create a .mcs
- used naxjp to program the XC18V02 on the Memec board 

With an other project creating a counter for the on-board 7-segment display,
I verified that things are working somehow.

Now I plug the Memec card with the vga plugin into a bare bone motherboard
(CPU, Ram, PCI-VGA Card, empty AGP connector). The board boots as expected
and the bios displays 4 PCI Ids. The same number was found before without
the programmed memec card. Pluging in a monitor into the VGA connector of
the Memec card plug-in, the Monitor syncs at horizontal 32 kHz and vertical
62.66 Hz and reports "user mode" with the on screen menu. I routed the Memec
on board 24.00 MHz oszillator as VGA clock.

Pluggin out the standard VGA and using only the MEMEC programmed card
results in the Bios beeping and the monitor staying blank.

I conclude:
- the VGA implementation seems running, as the monitor syncs 
- the PCI backend doesn't run, as no PCI Id is found by the bios.

Is that right?

More remarks:
- ise-5.1 doesn't meet some constraints:
* TS_CLK_2_CRT_CLK = MAXDELAY FROM TIMEGRP  | 15.000ns   | 15.203ns   | 8    
  "CLK" TO TIMEGRP "CRT_CLK" 15 nS          |            |            |      
* COMP "trdy" OFFSET = OUT 10 nS  AFTER COM | 10.000ns   | 10.093ns   | 1    
  P "clk"                                   |            |            |      
* TIMEGRP "PCI_AD" OFFSET = OUT 11 nS  AFTE | 11.000ns   | 11.658ns   | 1    
  R COMP "clk"                              |            |            |      

I think these small deviations aren't something to care for. Am I wrong?

- vlgincdir doesn't cope with multiple directories (Xilinx Answer Record
  #14800), so I had to copy all sources into one directory

- sometimes wine hangs when ise-5.1 starts a new process. Killing wine and
  restarting the gui helps.

- ise-5.1 shows some unknown error when it first synthesize the
  design. Later runs work. ise-5.1 in vmware showed the same behaviour.

- there are a lot of warings about redefinitions of Macros. This seems like
  a ISE Bug to me

- Can anybody with a working setup for the CRT example and the 2S150 board
rerun the project with webpack and the unmodified ucf file and report if
things work for him?

Thanks and sorry for the long posting

Uwe Bonnes                bon@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de

Institut fuer Kernphysik  Schlossgartenstrasse 9  64289 Darmstadt
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