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[pci] PCI OpenCore survey

Hello everyone!

I got a request from a person, who wants to present open IP idea on some
conference. I think this is a good opportunity for OpenCores, so I want to
provide him with the information he requested.
I have no other means to do that other than posting the questions on the
mailing list.
I would gather the information provided by the members and form some kind of
statistics from it. I would like to ask all of you that want to reply to do
so to the address
otherwise other members will be bothered by the survey.

I would like to gather just some general information about OpenCores' PCI
Bridge users. I have divided the questions into two groups -
users of the core and evaluators of the core.
Off course - no answer is mandatory ;-) and additional comments are welcome!

1. If you are/were using the core in your application:

    What technology are you using for your application? (ASIC, FPGA, other)

    What stage is your project with PCI Bridge in? (under development,
debugging, working prototype, done, abandoned)

    What kind of application are you using the core in? (automotive,
telecommunication, video processing,  ....)

    What kind of project is it (commercial, research)?

    What is your experience with the core? (was/is there a lot of effort put
in it to fit your needs, why did you decide to use it or not to use it etc.)

    Can you provide any information about the company or school using the
OpenCores' PCI core? (name, number of employees or students, line of work or
studies etc.)

2. If you are/were evaluating the core

    Are you evaluating the core for a company, school project, other?

    If you already decided not to use the core, what was the reason?

    Can you provide any information on the company or school that you were
evaluating the core for? (name, line of work or studies etc.)

Thanks for your cooperation!

Miha Dolenc

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