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[openrisc] Understanding traffic cop

I am to a point in my project of trying to get uclinux running on a
digilent board, where I am ready to 
integrate all the hdl code pieces together. I am trying to understand how
traffic cop works so I can 
prune its size down. The full traffic cop uses up a third of my gate array
space so it needs to be pruned 
down some. However I am having some difficulty in understanding how it
works. There are not many 
comments in the code.

A minimum setup is just getting the cpu and memory controller attached.
However I want to be able 
to easily add or remove items to/from the bus as space allows.

Some of the things I am having problems with are:
1. What are the signals with names like xi0_wb_dat_o or yi0_wb_dat_o for
These ultimately are getting or'ed together to produce the output
i0_wb_dat_o, but I do not understand 
the separation.
2. What is target 0 and initiator 0. Are these real devices on the bus like
(cpu and memory) or is this 
a reference to traffic cop itself.
3. What does the comment // From initiators to targets 1-8 (lower part) and
// From initiators to targets 1-8 (upper part)
4. What are the z signals like z_wb_cyc_i for?

Ultimately I know this is a multiplexer, but the devil is in the details.
If there are some other docs I should be 
looking at, let me know.


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