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Re: [openrisc] or1200 sim

Thanks for your info!

I've downloaded code under or1k/orp/orp_soc (except /sw). When I try 
to run NcSim script, the first error is related with "RAMB4_s8_s16". I 
thought it was something dependent on lower level Xilinx lib. After 
commentting out the tag defined in "defines.v" files, I got the "xess_top" 
instantiated in NcSim. When I begin to run the simulation, an input 
file "/src/flash.in" is needed. So how can I get this file or to get around 
of it?

I try to run the simulation independent of any board or FPGA libraries. Is 
there any other open Memery IP can be used in this sample SoC design 
to load code?


Jun Liu
> Hello ! 
> The or1200 now comes with the orp_soc environment. ORP stands for 
> OpenRISC Reference Platform and orp_soc comes with a basic set of 
> peripheral cores. OR1200 is part of the orp_soc and the whole 
> simulation of the or1200 is now done via orp_soc. So basically what 
> I'm saying is that or1200/sim will be removed since it is obsolete. 
> You should download the or1k/orp_soc (or if you need a specific 
> system for let say the XESS XSV800 board, you should download the 
> or1k/xess). Before you start downloading, you might want to check 
> out the directory structure via cvsweb because also the uclinux is 
> linked under or1k/orp_soc/sw/uclinux and it might take a while to 
> download the uclinux together with the ORP SOC. 
> regards, 
> Damjan 
> PS I'm travelling right now, so I hope I will be able to help with 
> detailed instructions how to use the orp_soc (and update the cvs) 
> in about 2 weeks. 
> On 09 Apr 2002 00:35 CET you wrote: 
> > Where can I get the required lib file to run "run.sh" of 
> directory "sim"? 
> > Those files are: art_hssp_512x19, ... 
> > 
> > Thanks! 
> > 
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