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[openip] Projects
I'm a student of electronics engineering in Minho University (
Portugal ).
In the moment I'm trying to develop the I2C protocol, but by what I could
see F. Renet (f.renet@mipsys.com) finish the project.
My next step when I finish the I2C protocol is to implement the CAN
protocol, and a duble Serial UART. But to take the next step I need to
finhish the I2C protocol.
This is the email that Renet received from me, but he never contacted
Looking to hear from you,
My very best regards,
Alves Pimenta
>I'm a student of electronics engineering
in Minho University ( Portugal ).
>When I was looking for literature survey of Philips I2C protocol, I
found that you have developed a vhdl core design which >is basically
the object of my study case.
>Would you be so kind to help me, once I'm really a beginner on vhdl
>Looking to hear from you,
>Many thanks and,
>My very best regards,
>Alves Pimenta
> mailto:pimenta@execs.com