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Re: [oc] 2D FFT using radix 4 complex fft

The "radix 4 complex fft" core do not need multiplier,
It use cordic to realize complex rotation.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <shoe.man@freenet.de>
To: <cores@opencores.org>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 4:27 PM
Subject: [oc] 2D FFT using radix 4 complex fft

> Could anybody help me in how to implement a 2D FFT core for image processing by 2 times instantiation of the "radix 4 complex fft" core? (which runs in 1D and is temporal instead of spatial)
> Additionally, what changes have to be done to utilize the Virtex-II multipliers here?
> Thanks very much!
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