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[oc] Project suggestion: RFID tag reader

Here is a suggestion for a project:

A reader for Auto-ID RF identification tags:


As I understand it, auto-ID will be replacing the
barcodes you see on practically everything you
purchase.   The main differences to a barcode are:

1) You can't read the number without a reader.
2) Individual items will be coded with unique numbers.
   With barcodes, all packets of "brand X" washing
   powder are marked with the same number.  With RFID
   tags, each packet carries a unique number.  If you
   are carrying that packet of washing powder (or wearing
   clothes), it will be possible to track your movements.
3) RFID codes can potentially be read over longer distances
   than barcodes can (ultimately by satellite???).

Giving ordinary people the means to read and detect RFID
tags has substantial implications for freedom.  Would
you buy products that allow you to be tracked without
your knowledge, since you cannot be sure if they contain
an RFID tag?

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