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Re: [oc] Open Core Forth Processor

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Golding" <dgolding@a... > 
To: <cores@o... > 
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 09:39:23 -0000 
Subject: [oc] Open Core Forth Processor 

> -- Don Golding 
> -- Angelus Research Corp. 
> -- dgolding@a...  
> -- Version 3 
> -- Forth Processor Design 
> -- 
> -- This code represents my current thoughts on designing a Forth 
> Processor in VHDL. 
> -- Please review it and email me with your input on either Forth 
> design issues or 
> -- VHDL design issues. 
> -- 
> -- The goal is to build a generic Forth processor that can be 
> included in VHDL designs. 
> -- If it could fit into a Xilinx 4005 or 4010 it would be ideal! 
> -- Forth is really a virtual microprocessor implemented on other 
> various processors 
> -- from 68HC11 to VAX machines and supercomputers. You will 
> currently find Forth used 
> -- as the driver for PCI hardware in high end Macintosh's and Sun 
> Workstations. 
> -- 
> -- This is an attempt to create a real Forth Processor on an FPGA 
> or ASIC using VHDL. 
> -- Previous real Forth Microprocessors include: Harris RTX2000, 
> SHABOOM, F21,etc. 
> -- The current attempts F21, etc. are trying to make 500mips 
> screamers. 
> -- There are also people like Dr. Ting using the Schematic editor 
> to create Forth 
> -- processors. I wonder how a Schematic designed Forth processor 
> will compare to a VHDL 
> -- based design in speed and the number of gates used. 
> -- I think a straight forward simple design will have considerable 
> applications 
> -- when you need a processor included in your FPGA/ASIC design. 
> -- FPGA operate at 200mhz, I don't know how fast this design will 
> be, but it's speed 
> -- should be limited to the external RAM speed when memory access 
> is required. 
> -- Internal register to register operations should be 50-200mhz 
> range. 
> -- 
> -- The preliminary specifications are: 
> -- 
> -- 16 bit data bus (to save space, could be 8 bit but it would take 
> more statements) 
> -- 16 bit address bus 
> -- by editing the code in the Entity declariations, you implement 
> 32, 64, ? designs 
> -- 
> -- Return Stack levels=16 
> -- Data Stack levels=16 (could be smaller, 4 items could be ok) 
> -- Output port A is 8 lines 
> -- Output port B is 8 lines 
> -- Motorola SPI compatible port (SPI_In,SPI_Out,SPI_Ck,SS/) 
> -- 
> -- By editing the code in the Entity declariations, you can add 
> serial ports, parallel 
> -- ports, adc's or just about anything you can imagine. 
> -- 
> library IEEE; 
> use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; 
> entity Proc is 
>  port ( 
>  DataBus: inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); 
>  OutPortA: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); 
>  OutPortB: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); 
>  OutputA: out STD_LOGIC_LOGIC; 
>  OutputB: out STD_LOGIC_LOGIC; 
>  AddressBus: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); 
>  Reset: in STD_LOGIC; 
>  SPI_In: in STD_LOGIC; 
>  SPI_Out: out STD_LOGIC; 
>  SS: in STD_LOGIC; 
>  SPI_Ck: in STD_LOGIC; 
>  clock: in STD_LOGIC; 
>  rd: out STD_LOGIC; 
>  ); 
> end Proc; 
> architecture Proc_arch of Proc is 
>  --define op codes, only 25 so far... 
>  type op_code is(abort, depth, dup, pick, over, swap, >r, r>, 
> r@, drop, 
>  rot, equal, zero_equal, greater, greater_than, 
>  less_than, store, +store, fetch, plus, minus, times 
>  divide, branch, Obranch ); 
>  -- check these for correct sizes 
>  type data_word is array(15 downto 0) of STD_ULOGIC; --16 bit wide 
>  type Return_stack is array (15 downto 0) of data_word; --16 bits 
> wide, 16 deep 
>  type Data_stack is array (15 downto 0) of data_word; --16 bits 
> wide, 16 deep 
>  type memory_size is range (15 downto 0); --64K max? 
>  constant stack_depth: integer:=16; --16 items max 
>  variable rp of stack_depth; -- return stack pointer 
>  variable dp of stack_depth; -- data stack pointer 
>  variable mp of memory_size; -- memory pointer 
>  variable temp1 of data_word; -- reg:Temp1 internal 
>  variable error of data_word; -- reg:Error code 
>  variable sucessful of bit; -- Flag:operation sucessful 
>  constant dstack_start:integer:=0; 
>  constant write:bit:=0; 
>  constant read:bit:=1; 
>  constant dstack_overflow:integer:=1; --Errorcodes are defined here 
>  constant dstack_underflow:integer:=2; 
>  constant rstack_overflow:integer:=3; 
>  constant rstack_underflow:integer:=4; 
>  constant invalid_instruction:integer:=5; 
>  --Forth stack manipulation primitives 
>  --I think we should implement a circular que here. 
>  --data_stack(dp) points to next available location, can use as 
> temp variable 
>  --before using push_dp_stack or pop_dp_stack procedures. 
>  --each stack are really 16 registers! Stack operations should be 
> real fast! 
> procedure reset_proc is 
>  begin 
>  dp <= '0'; 
>  rp <= '0'; 
>  mp <= '0'; 
>  end reset_proc; 
> procedure push_dp_stack is 
>  -- dp points the the next stack element not the current one after 
> operation is completed. 
>  begin 
>  if dp = stack_depth then 
>  error<=dstack_overflow; 
>  reset_proc; 
>  else dp <= dp+1; 
>  end if 
>  end push_dp_stack; 
> procedure pop_dp_stack is 
>  -- dp points the the next stack element not the current one after 
> operation is completed. 
>  begin 
>  if dp = dstack_start then 
>  error<=dstack_underflow; 
>  reset_proc; 
>  else dp <= dp-1; 
>  end if 
>  end pop_dp_stack; 
> procedure push_rp_stack is 
>  -- dp points the the next stack element not the current one after 
> operation is completed. 
>  begin 
>  if rp = 16 then 
>  error<=rstack_overflow; 
>  reset_proc; 
>  else rp <= rp+1; 
>  end if 
>  end push_rp_stack; 
> procedure pop_rp_stack is 
>  -- dp points the the next stack element not the current one after 
> operation is completed. 
> begin 
>  if rp = 0 then 
>  error<=rstack_underflow; 
>  reset_proc; 
>  else rp <= rp-1; 
>  end if 
>  end pop_rp_stack; 
> procedure proc_code(sucessful) is --is the parameter list ok? 
> begin 
>  sucessful<=true; 
>  case data_bus is 
>  when abort => --reset processor 
>  reset_proc; 
>  when depth => --put the depth of the stack on the top 
>  data_stack(dp) <= dp; 
>  up_data_stack; 
>  when dup => --duplicate the top item on data stack 
>  data_stack(dp)<=data_stack(dp+1); 
>  up_data_stack; 
>  when pick => --get on data stack pointed to by TOS 
>  data_stack(dp)<=data_stack(data_stack(dp+1); 
>  up_data_stack; 
>  when over => --duplicate the second number on data stack 
>  data_stack(dp) <= data_stack(data_stack(dp+2); 
>  up_data_stack; 
>  when swap => --swap top two numbers on data stack 
>  return_stack(rp) <= data_stack(dp+1); 
>  data_stack(dp+1) <= data_stack(dp+2); 
>  data_stack(dp+2) <= return_stack(rp); 
>  when >r => --move top of data stack to return stack 
>  return_stack(rp) <= data_stack(dp+1); 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  push_return_stack; 
>  when r> => --move top of return stack to data stack 
>  data_stack(dp+1) <= return_stack(rp+1); 
>  pop_return_stack; 
>  push_data_stack; 
>  when r@ => --move top of return stack to data stack 
>  data_stack(dp) <= return_stack(rp+1); 
>  push_data_stack; 
>  when drop => --drop top number from data stack 
>  pop_dp_stack; 
>  when rot => --rotate 3rd numbr to 1st on data stack 
>  return_stack(rp) <= data_stack(dp+1); 
>  data_stack(dp+1) <= data_stack(dp+3); 
>  when equal => -- if tos and second are equal then true 
>  if data_stack(dp+1)=data_stack(dp+2) then 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  data_stack(dp+1)<='1'; 
>  end if; 
>  when zero_equal => -- if tos=0 then tos=true 
>  if data_stack(dp+1)='0' then 
>  data_stack(dp+1)<='1'; 
>  end if; 
>  when greater_than => -- if tos is greater then the sec then 
> tos=true 
>  if data_stack(dp+1)>data_stack(dp+2) then 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  data_stack(dp+1)<='1'; 
>  end if; 
>  when less_than => -- if tos is less than the second item then 
> tos=true 
>  if data_stack(dp+1)<data_stack(dp+2) then 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  data_stack(dp+1)<='1'; 
>  end if; 
>  when store => -- store 16 bit value to memory 
>  rd<=write; 
>  addressBus <= data_stack(dp+1); 
>  dataBus <= data_stack(dp+2) 
>  rd<=read; -- probably need a delay here 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  when +store => -- increment 16 bit value in memory 
>  rd<=read; 
>  addressBus <= data_stack(dp+1); 
>  data_bus <= data_bus+data_stack(dp+1); 
>  rd<=write; 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  rd<=read; -- probably need a delay here 
>  when fetch => -- get 16 bit value from memory 
>  rd<=read; 
>  data_stack(dp) <= dataBus; 
>  push_data_stack; 
>  when plus => --add two 16 bit numbers 
>  data_stack(dp+1) <= data_stack(dp+2) + data_stack(dp+1); 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  when minus => --subtract two 16 bit numbers 
>  data_stack(dp+2) <= data_stack(dp+1) - data_stack(dp+2); 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  when times => --multiply two 16 bit numbers 
>  data_stack(dp+2) <= data_stack(dp+1) * data_stack(dp+2); 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  when divide => --divide two 16 bit numbers 
>  data_stack(dp+2) <= data_stack(dp+1) / data_stack(dp+2); 
>  pop_data_stack; 
>  when branch => --branch unconditionally 
>  mp=mp+1; 
>  rd<=read; 
>  mp=DataBus; 
>  when Obranch => --branch if tos = 0 
>  if data_stack(dp+1)='0' then 
>  mp=mp+1; 
>  rd<=read; 
>  mp=DataBus; 
>  end if; 
>  when others => -- not an opcode 
>  sucessful<=false; 
>  end case; 
> end proc_code; 
> synch: process(clock) 
>  begin 
>  if clock'event and clock='1' then 
>  clock<= not clock; -- need a delay here? 
>  end if; 
> end process; 
> code: process(clock,reset,mp,rp) 
> begin 
>  if reset ='0' then 
>  reset_proc; 
>  else --get and process instruction 
>  rd<=read; --set read/write line to read 
>  addressBus<=mp; --output address 
>  proc_code; 
>  --Forth's inner interpreter(next) 
>  if sucessful=true then -- it was a valid instruction 
>  mp <= mp+1; 
>  sucessful<=false; 
>  else -- it wasn't a valid instruction 
>  error<=invalid_instruction; 
>  reset_proc; 
>  -- 
>  end if; 
>  end if; 
> end process; 
> end Proc_arch; 
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