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Re: [oc] FPGA- Constrains
let me touch on a couple of areas. Caveat - I've no recent
experience with fpga express
VirtexE are relatively slow anyway. If you want more speed -
why not virtex pro2?
FPGA express is not really designed for this. Its pretty knobless.
if you _want_ knobs to twiddle - you probably need fpga compiler
II (or whatever its called now) either leonado or synplicity
are also likely to be better than fpga express.
Is the 14MHz (or whatever you achieved) taking into account the false
paths? if it is, then ignoring the false paths won't gain you much
- if anything. If it is not - then STA better.
set-dont-touch eems to have very little relevance for fpga prototyping..
14MHz (??) is probably a whole lot faster than the simulator anyway -
running lots of vectors at that speed would seem more useful than
putting lots of effort into tweaking fpga synthersis - perhaps?
On Sat, Oct 19, 2002 at 03:25:26AM -0700, R. Ramakrishna wrote:
> Hi All,
> I mailed earlier to the cores list about my problem and asked for help but unfortunately got no replies. So I am trying to put my question in a little different way:::
> Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. I completed my Masters in Engg( spl in Digital Systems) from Osmaina University, Hyderabad, India very recently and joined a pvt firm as a trainee.
> I am working on FPGA-Validation of a fairly large design, before it goes for the fab. My job is to port the design onto FPGA (VirtexE device of Xilinx) for this purpose. The problem I am facing is that the frequency of operation that I am able to achieve is very less, and the design being large, I cannot change my design for the FPGA. I need to put Constraints thru UCF and make it run at as high a frequency as the tool can give me. I am working with FPGA express for synthesis and ISE 4.1i for PNR.
> I am trying to port the Synopsys's DC directives like " set_false_path", "set multicycle_path", set dont_touch" and any other attributes that would help me in reducing the critical path delay in my design. [and constrain the net delay, ofcourse]
> Can any one of you kindly point me to some relavant documentation on approach to applying constraints on a design, in general and similar documentation on FPGA constraints?
> Please correct me if my approach is wrong. Please let me know if I am not clear in any aspect.
> Thank you.
> Rayaprolu
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