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Re: [oc] Volunteer for GPL'd CAD tool
----- Original Message -----
From: MoT <Sebastien.Villemot@e... >
To: cores@o...
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 17:18:42 +0100 (CET)
Subject: [oc] Volunteer for GPL'd CAD tool
> Hi folks !
> First I'd like to congratulate you for yor job. Making open
> hardware is
> obviously a great idea and I hope it will have the same success
> than open
> software.
> I'm a graduate level student in theoretical computer science ; I
> also
> have good programming experience (asms/C/C++/Java), and some
> hardware
> design experience (though it was not with VHDL, I can learn it).
> I've some ideas of things for which I could help, but first I'd
> like to
> let you know about a problem that concerns me.
> I feel really frustrated of the fact that it is impossible to do
> the whole
> design of a core under my favourite development plateform, namely
> GNU/Linux :) There are some GPL'd VHDL simulation tools (Savant,
> which
> seems almost usable, and FreeHDL which is under heavy development).
> However it is impossible to actually produce a netlist, do the
> placement
> and routing phase, and generate the configuration bitstream of my
> target
> FPGA. The only solution to do so is to buy proprietary CAD software
> and to
> run it on Microsoft's proprietary OS.
> The main raison for this situation is the fact that FPGA
> manufacturers do
> not provide full technical information about their chips (let me
> know if
> I'm wrong, maybe I'm missing something). For example, Xilinx
> provide a
> "Virtex Series Configuration Architecture User Guide" for their
> Virtex
> chips, which explains parts of the configuration bitstream for
> logical
> units, but there is no information about how to actually configure
> routing
> between CLBs and IOBs.
> Of course, not providing these informations is a deliberate choice;
> designers wanting to use FPGAs have no other solution than buying
> the
> proprietary CAD software of the chip manufacturer. And in the same
> state
> of mind, manufacturers do not provide any Linux support because it
> doesn't
> seem worth; it is a well known fact that Linux is a closed
> environment
> only used by hackers and mad students :)
> Apart from the fact that designers must set up a Windows box, there
> are
> some other negative consequences of this situation. For example, I
> worked
> with computer science researchers who developped a new HDL (it is
> called
> Jazz, available on http://www.cma.ensmp.fr/jazz/). It can describe
> synchronous digital circuits, and has some very interesting
> features not
> found in other HDLs. But to actually run a design in a FPGA with
> this HDL,
> we had to do ugly hacks, create our own tools to convert the
> netlist
> produced by jazz to the input format of the xilinx tools. The tool
> chain
> becomes far bigger and more complex than it should be; moreover,
> the
> different tools run on different hardware platforms, which is very
> annoying.
> Proprietary CAD tools have the usual inconvenients of proprietary
> software. They are impossible to debug for the end user, the
> interfaces and file formats are not unified, each manufacturer
> redesigns its own place and route algorithms... It is obviously a
> stupid
> waste of time and intellectual effort.
> So why not try to change this situation ? I suggest that the
> opencores
> project (and maybe other open hardware projects) officially
> publishes an
> open letter intended for FPGAs manufacturer (or individually mails
> them), asking them for donating complete specifications of their
> chip's
> configuration bitstream. In return, opencores.org would start a
> project of developping a GPL'd CAD tool which would target the
> chips of
> the manufacturer(s) answering this call.
> As it would have a modular design, such a tool could have different
> frontends, the most important probably being for the AIRE IIR or
> format (for integration with Savant and FreeHDL). One could add a
> frontend
> for the Jazz language netlist. Several backends for the different
> supported FPGA architectures would be implemented. Of course, if we
> obtained sponsoring from a FPGA manufacturer, I would volunteer for
> this
> project.
> But one could wonder why FPGA manufacturers would accept this deal.
> Maybe
> am I only dreaming... However the recent decisions of hardware
> manufacturers (such as Creative Labs donating GPL'd driver for
> their
> SB Live) can give us some hope, though it is not exactly the same
> context.
> The Open Hardware movement is just at its beginning, but one could
> imagine
> (and it is probably the hope of everyone on this list) that it may
> become
> as important as the Open Software movement from an economical
> vuepoint. It
> could then look very attractive for a FPGA manufacturer to be the
> "official" sponsor of this movement, by giving complete
> specifications of
> their chips, and being the main target for cores designed by this
> community.
> I'm waiting for your thoughts or reactions :)
> Keep up the good work !
> MoT
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