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Re: [oc] Memory controller, Ahb/apb bridge
Do you want to make this an OpenSource project, and share it on OpenCores ??
If so, OpenCores uses the Wishbone Bus for it's cores.
Converting the Wishbone Bus to the AMBA bus should be straightforward.
For models, documentation etc. check the OpenCores memory controller.
>Hi list,
>I would like to make an multiport memory controller interface
>which interface with AMBA AHB bus. If anyone have some model
>I'm interested by (Documentation,verilog vhdl source code,testbench..)
>For example Memory controller from ARM Primcell.
>I also want to make ahb/apb bridger. If Any one have somethins about
>I'm also interested by(design spec,Code source VHDL,Verilog)
>thaks in advance.
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