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RE: [oc] Processor Instruction reply for Andreas



> The advantages and disadvantages are:

> For 1:
> + single instruction, saves program space

My single instruction would probably be as big as two old ones
but overall the saving on would be around 30% in tests so far.

> - very long pipeline, branches execute many cycles after
>   issuing (long delay slots)

Who has a very long pipeline? My design doesn't affect the length
of the pipelining. It may allow it to be reduced without any loss
in speed. I haven't coded the whole thing yet (working on translator
at the moment) but as soon as I do I'll let you know how it goes.

> - Depending on implementation, may take different number of
>  cycles to execute, when a branch is taken, vs. not taken.

Look-ahead as implemented for years now automatically scans for
jumps to make sure it has the 'alternative' piece of code ready
if the jump is actually committed thus jumps don't 'surprise+delay'
the pipelining. I think they even use 2+ integer pipelines in most
processors these days maybe even for this reason?

> For 2:
> - Two instructions, need larger program memory

Given that not every instruction is suitable for conversion yes, tests
show that on average a 60-70% increase in size. Instructions like
INT 21h are a bit wasteful in 64bit instructions but I would rather waste
one byte of program space than one processor clock cycle. If its a choice
between using a '200MHZ performance' processor with a 2MByte program or a
'360MHZ performance' processor with a 3.2MByte program I would go for the
faster one. I usually find it easier to add another DIMM than over clock
my processor by 80%.

> + short pipeline

Theres no reason why the pipeline should be any shorter on either design
but if you want it shorter then my design may aid that.

> + faster execution

Mine? Of course, less clock cycles to do the same job means faster execution
of the same task.

> To summaries, a RISC architecture typically tries to keep it's
> very simple and easy to execute. The goal for a RISC is to execute a
> small number of instructions at a very high speed. This results in overall
> faster execution, even though one might argue that the complex CISC
> instructions "do more". Compared to a RISC, a CISC is typically alot
> slower.

If anything my design depending on how you view it either reduces the
set or keeps the same amount of instructions. I'll have more details and a
design when I finish my translator. Want to get that done and finished
jumping into implementing a complete CPU core!


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