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Re: [oc] Anybody prefer C to VHDL?

celoxica is a good tool but it has a mjor drawback(atleast in my use).it
gives out a edif netlist which i use for place and route and if i face any
timing violation or problem i can't trace back to the source code which
created that violation.BUt if the goal is to write models or if clock
speed is not very critical then celoxica looks to be a good alternative to

 On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Paul McFeeters wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just been pointed to an excellent Handel-C website. For those that
> don't know already Handel-C is a system for writing C type programs and
> having them translated to VHDL for placement in FPGAs. As I have 14 years of
> professional C development under my belt and less than a week of practical
> VHDL you can guess which I'll be using for new designs. God is smiling on me
> today or a late birthday present.
> One of the example programs they give you with their prototype board is an
> actual 3D racing program, only company I know that does that in FPGAs!
> Theres a bat and ball game there too for the old school fans.
> http://www.celoxica.com/
> Paul McFeeters
> Hope it helps
> --
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K.G.Nanda Kumar
Senior Research Engineer
Satellite Communication
Centre for Development Of Telematics
71/1,millers road
Bangalore 560052
ph:2263399 Extn 324

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