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Re: [oc] 8051 VHDL models search

Hi JM.
       Do you still remember me? I have download those source code 
according to your information provide. Thank for your help!! :-)
       Regarding your question, I think there are only those open source 
code in internet. Those others are need to buy/pay for their source 
code. If you are interesting on it, you may go and look as URL shown 

       Hope it will help for you there. :-)

       Recently I been study the whole source code. Could you send me 
the synthesizable VHDL comportemental model of Dr. Mayer to me since 
it got to remove a lot of unsynthesizable VHDL code, and I'm just a new 
on it? Thank a lot!!

Best regard,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jean Masson <Jean.Masson@l... > 
To: cores@o...  
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 14:40:29 +0200 
Subject: [oc] 8051 VHDL models search 

> Hello, 
> I search VHDL models (structural if possible) of the 8051 
> microcontroller 
> family. I have found an entry in your server on this topic, but 
> with 
> nothing inside. 
> I have downloaded the files of Dalton Project (University of 
> California) 
> and 
> the VHDL comportemental model of Dr. Mayer. Did you know another 
> files ? 
> This if for a students' project. 
> Thank you for your help. 
> Best regards. 
> Dr. Jean MASSON 
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