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i'm interested in developing a very inexpensive distributed
computing arch. as i currently envision the project, each
node would consist of 1 microprocessor, a bank of mem, and
a bus interface.
so, i have two (2) questions:
0) what is the definition of a core? is it a hardware
spec written in xHDL? is it hardware design for
(E)PLD/FPGA/ASIC? sorry, but i couldn't find
anything on the faq, and i can't even look at
*.gz.tar downloads on this $%#@^ windows machine.
1) is the above project an appropriate topic for
'cores'? if not, what changes would be necessary
for it to be "in the spirit" of an ip core?
thanks -=[ kevin ]=-
on algebraic boolean simplification...
"it's like asparagus; it's good for
you and you just have to eat it"
--john goomey 10-sep-2001
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