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Re: [oc] MPGA, open source meta-FPGA

Hi Reinoud,

Very cool!

I hope it works well.  I have always been disappointed that the real-time
fully configurable Xilinx chips (6500 series maybe?) were discontinued, but
after seeing your project hopefully you will be able to turn the big virtex
parts into opensource high density/reasonable speed/real-time fully
reconfigurable parts!

best regards,
Jamie Morken

----- Original Message -----
From: Reinoud <dus@wanadoo.nl>
To: <cores@opencores.org>
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 6:18 AM
Subject: [oc] MPGA, open source meta-FPGA

> Hi all,
> I have a little project which I call the MPGA (Meta Programmable Gate
> Array), which is an open source design for an FPGA to be implemented
> on an FPGA (a 'meta-FPGA'). One important motivation for this design
> is to have an FPGA with open programming specifications. Right now it
> is more a proof of concept than something fit for use. However, it
> works as far as tested, it's quite dense (one MPGA CLB fits in one
> Virtex CLB), there's a parametrized MPGA core generator, there's
> support for simulation (with Icarus Verilog) and downloading to
> hardware (with Linux), there is even a tiny example design. See the
> MPGA home page:
>     http://ce.et.tudelft.nl/~reinoud/mpga/README.html
> I need help with this project! The architecture needs work, the code
> is a mess, and many important features are lacking.  Most importantly
> though, I need feedback.  If you're interested in this development,
> please join the mailing list(s):
>     http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=34637
> Hope to see you there. Regards,
> - Reinoud
> --
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