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Re: [oc] Re: FPGA of OR1k

Dear Damjan,
I am a little bit confused by current OpenCore development model. You prompt a OpenSource hardware development model, but seems the development process is quite different from what I saw for GPL software development (such as Linux growth). The CVS just put in a buggy version(OR1001), and  a lot of developers jump in and began to study it, unfortunately it has been obselete, this is another version being development secrectly. Is this the development model? Can it really attract lots of developers all over the world to donate their work? I really doubt it.
According to my understanding, if you think the development is somehow mature, you put it out and share with others, a branch is possible, but everybody should know it existence. What is OR1320, I am totally out of my mind? This is no information, no document and no source code available, except an OR1001 (very buggy, after a careful exmination). What should we follow?
Without Linus, Linux can not be born and grow in such a health way. He develope the model for a software to grow and get the trust of all of us. Who will be the entity to represent the OpenCores? I didn't clearly see it yet. Probably the work is not in that stage for others to take a look, then it is fine, let's know, give us a date it could be available. We can wait. We expect it coming, and see if it is that attractive.
If OpenCores idea is just for job seeking, how it will survive and how it will process? Personally I can not see the light. A lot of opensource projects failed in the middle way, only those with good maintainer grows up.
Above just my question and concern on the project, anyone could shed my some light, it will be appreciated a lot.

> > Dear Damjan,
> >
> > I understand that you have a OR1K prototype board.  Which code, OR1001
> > or OR1320,  do you use to synthese FPGA of OR1K?  Can this prototype
> (((I use OR1320. But it isn't released yet. OR1001 has many bugs in it.)))
> > board boot any OS such as Linux?  In OR1320, do you implement IRQN to
> (((Nothing boots on openrisc yet. A lot more needs to be done before
something will
> boot on it.)))
> > accept IO device request?
> (((OR1320 has dedicated interrupt controller built-in.)))
I am sorry some things were missunderstood. Damjan will further explain some
details about or1k, but I think major problem for old version is lackage of time
and constant design changes.
I know Damjan for many years and I can guarranty you that he has no bad
intentions. He is just workaholic trying to get things done as quickly as possible.