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Re: [cdrom] Why OpenTech cdrom?

Jamil Khatib wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently I am trying to collect some feed backs and
> comments from everyone about the OpenTech cdrom.
> Please if you ordered/ going to order or even have
> some comments about the cdrom please share them with
> us.
> 1. Why do you think it is a good idea to have
> collection of Open hw designs and tools on a cdrom?
I don't know where to collect all of the tools. I don't have time to
collect all the tools. I may find further pointers from the ones in the
CD. Hence it helps my learning process.

> 2. Why did you orderd it ( educational purposes,
> commercial, learning......)

> 3. Do you think this cdrom will make some improvements
> for openhw design trend?
It will if it was easily obtinable. Currently it is not. I bought
Kanda's FPGA kit before. But the software is isntalled on trial basis. I
don't have the time to attend the software every day. Open tools don't
have that restriction. I can learn at my own pace rather than some
software vendor's pace.

Thank you,

> You can visit OpenTech cdrom page at
> http://www.opencores.org/OIPC/projects/cdrom.shtml
> for more information about it.
> Thanks for your cooperation
> Jamil Khatib
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