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[bluetooth] Baseband core progress
Hi all,
Here are my colcusions on who is goign to work on which blocks
ChuanChew Sin: ccsin@k7mail.com : 1 FEC 2 CRC 3 HEC 4 Hop frequency:
Behavioral Verilog
Puloma Mukherjee: puloma@ece.sunysb.edu: FEC HEC CRC (Done)
Anil Nainwal - Sofblueindia: anilnainwal@sofblueindia.com: Frequency hopping,
Access code generation Verilog and VHDL
It seems there are duplicates please let me know your decision.
Here are some other issues
- Once you provide me with your files I wil start integrating them and see
how they interact with each other, but please try to make the interfaces as
described in the spec and let me know if you have other comments on it.
- please try to make basic check for your blocks sing some test benches since
I am not going to test them.
- Let me know if I have to code other parts of the data path blocks.
- We have to try to have the blocks in both VHDL and Verilog so as to check
them together.
- I still do not know how can we check the whole system. Do you have any
suggestion? May be a BB SW simulator can be used to genertate the protocol
and the we test our design against it???
- The tools. I think I have to check this issue specially Altera but I think
I can get one or two maximum.
- I uploaded the latest design spec to
please review it and let me know if it is OK so as to put it on the CVS
Jamil KHatib
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