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Re: [bluetooth] querries on BTH

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "priya  chandrasekharan" <priyanpc@r... > 
To: jamilkhatib@i...  
Date: 2 Dec 2001 14:51:37 -0000 
Subject: [bluetooth] querries on BTH 

> How the "offset" is getting added to CLKN in order to get CLKE 
> & CLK 
> during Paging & Connection respectively? 
> What is the Circuitry used? 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> What does the Slave listen for (DIAC or GIAC) from the master 
> during Inquiry for the    purpose of correlation? 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> How the value of 'Y2' decided while giving it as an input to the 
> "Selection Kernel" for    Frequency Hopping? 
> The value Y2 is exactly given as CLK1*32. 
> Should 32 be converted to equivalent Binary for multiplication? 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> During Paging an X-input is fed into the    Selection Kernel. 
> Here Xp=[CLKE16-12 + Koffset + (CLKE4-2,0-CLKE16-12)mod16]
> How exactly the function (CLKE4-2,0-CLKE16-12)mod16 be 
>   and also detail on the exact use of the above mentioned function. 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> Is there 32 different frequencies within 1.28 secs interval (Train 
> A)? 
> Where does the Train B (next 1.28 secs) get the 16 other different 
> frequencies? 
> It is told in the Spec. that the 16 frequencies of Train B are from 
> 32 possible frequencies in the 1.28 sec interval (where Train A is 
> sent) 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> Explain RAND. 
> Scenario 1 
> It is said to be between 0 & 63 in Inquiry Scan & the 
> Inquiring device is said to count the no. of Inquiry messages for 
> RAND counts. Explain on this. 
> Scenario 2 
> It is also said to be between 0 & 1023 again in Inquiry Scan. 
> After receiving the Inquiry message from the Master, the slave 
> generates a RAND number and returns to connection or Standby for 
> RAND time slots. Then it checks for another Inquiry message. Only 
> after receiving this Inquiry message, it responds with an FHS. 
> These two scenarios are contradictory. Explain. 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> Why does the Access Code Correlator use a Threshold for accepting 
> the packet. 
> On what basis th 
> s fixed at 51? 
> How the preamble helps in DC thresholding & Clock recovery? 
> How is the 1010/0101 value derived for the preamble and trailer? 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
> CLK27-1 mod TSNIFF = DSNIFF 	for initialization  type 1 
> Used when CLK27 of Master is ‘0’ 
> (CLK27 ,CLK26-1) mod TSNIFF = DSNIFF 	for initialization type 2 
> Used when CLK27 of Master is ‘1’ 
> Clock value for next M-S sniff slot found by adding TSNIFF to the 
> clock value of the current M-S sniff slot 
> CLK (k+1) = CLK (k) + TSNIFF 
> Elaborate on this concept. 
> How exactly is the mod value got? 
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
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