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[bluetooth] Sending ACL Packets
For my undergrad thesis in Computer Engineering, I'm working on transmitting
data from a HC11 through bluetooth to a PC. The problem I am having is with
ACL packets. I can successfully make a connection between bluetooth boards,
but am now trying to request a L2CAP connection to the other board. I'm
sending the following packet to the bluetooth board, but am getting no
response on either end. I am sending the L2CAP connection request packet to
the signalling channel (0x0001) to request a new channel with an end point
of 0x0040, which is the first open channel.
The command I am sending to the bluetooth board is as follows:
0x02 ;ACL header
0x01 ;LSB handle
0x20 ;MSB handle & bc=00 & pb=10
0x0C ;LSB ACL length
0x00 ;MSB ACL length
0x08 ;LSB L2CAP packet length
0x00 ;MSB L2CAP packet length
0x02 ;Connection request command
0x01 ;Unique Identifier
0x04 ;LSB L2CAP command length
0x00 ;MSB L2CAP command length
0x01 ;LSB PSM
0x10 ;MSB PSM
0x40 ;LSB Source CID
0x00 ;MSB Source CID
I have a couple of questions about this. First, does this command seem
correct, and if it is, is there anything else I have to do after
establishing a connection that I have to do before I can send and ACL
Thanks for your time,
Andrew McKay
Computer Engineering
University of Manitoba
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