12/17/10 - MNB - Added SETI kernels to kerneldb file so that Uranus and Neptune would be supported. Author: Mackenzie Boyd Date: July 19th, 2010 There are several versions of the voyager camera kernel files, this file should explain the differences and the reasons for the differences. The original camera kernels, acquired from the Isis2 data area, are: vg2_jup_qmw_wa.bc vg2_jup_qmw_na.bc vg2_sat_qmw_wa.bc vg2_sat_qmw_na.bc These files did not have the correct frame codes to match more resent kernels. The frame kernel has a date and description of this change which involved subtracting 100 from all scan platform instrument ID codes. The update changed the frame codes from -32001 and -32002 to -32101 and -32102. The pointing for the NARROW_ANGLE_CAMERA is the same as the SCAN_PLATFORM and the pointing for the WIDE_ANGLE_CAMERA has a small rotation away from the SCAN_PLATFORM. Two changes were made to the kernels to get to the following files. Those changes were, 1, change the frame code from -32001 and -32002 to -32100, the SCAN_PLATFORM code, and 2, for the WIDE_ANGLE_CAMERA only, remove the rotation included in the files. The files are then all SCAN_PLATFORM pointing with frame code -32100. The updated frame code kernels are: vg2_jup_qmw_na_fc-32100.bc vg2_jup_qmw_wa_fc-32100.bc vg2_sat_qmw_na_fc-32100.bc vg2_sat_qmw_wa_fc-32100.bc Finally, the kernels were type 1, discrete pointing. For Isis3 continuous pointing, type 2, is necessary. The utility used to change the type was ckspanit, with a tolerance of 800. The final kernels that are usable in Isis3 are: vg2_jup_qmw_na_fc-32100_t2.bc vg2_jup_qmw_wa_fc-32100_t2.bc vg2_sat_qmw_na_fc-32100_t2.bc vg2_sat_qmw_wa_fc-32100_t2.bc The other files contained in this directory are from http://pds-rings.seti.org/voyager/spice/ck.html and are supposed to be superior to the files from Isis2, they can be read about in their matching text files. Type 2 versions of these files have been made so that they can be used in Isis3.