Author: Jeannie Walldren Date: 2008-06-03 History: 2008-06-03 Jeannie Walldren - Original version 2009-05-21 Jeannie Walldren - A comparison of the IDL CISSCAL 3.6 files to IDL CISSCAL 3.3 files shows no change. - Updated documentation. This directory contains calibration files for ISIS 3 CISSCAL's dark current correction. They are derived from Cassini Orbiter ISS Volume 11 Version 2 (i.e. coiss_0011_v2). AAREADME_dark_isis3.txt - This document, written for ISIS 3 CISSCAL info. darkcurrent_info.txt - Describes original contents used by IDL CISSCAL 3.6 nac_bias_distortion.cub - Copied directly from coiss_0011_v2 The idl CISSCAL darkcurrent calibration directory contains darks* directories to store dark image files derived from this model. These files are stored to speed up the dark subtraction process. The ISIS 3 cisscal application does not store past dark image files, the array is calculated on the fly each time the program is run using the parameter cube and label information. In the idl CISSCAL program file,, the median parameter files were used and the derived parameter file usage was commented out, so we are using the median *.xdr and *.lbl files to create our parameter cubes. If newer versions become available the following steps can be used to convert them into cubes. 1) Create raw files from xdr The .raw files were derived from nac_median_dark_parameters04228.xdr and wac_median_dark_parameters04222.xdr by the following commands in idl: openr, params_lun,"nac_median_dark_parameters04228.xdr",/get_lun,/xdr params = fltarr(1024,1024,8) readu, params_lun, params openw, lun_out, "nac_median_dark_parameters04228.raw", /get_lun writeu,lun_out,params close,params_lun free_lun,params_lun close,lun_out free_lun,lun_out 2) Create isis3 cubes from raw files 3 CASES: For SummingMode = 1, i.e. InstrumentModeId = FULL, the *.raw files were converted in raw2isis with the extension *.full.cub: > raw2isis from=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.raw to=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.full.cub samples=1024 lines=1024 bands=8 bittype=real For SummingMode = 2, i.e. InstrumentModeId = SUM2, first, the *.full.cub files were reduced to 512x512 by averaging a 2x2 block of 4 pixels, then, to get the sum, each pixel of the reduced cube is multiplied by 4: > reduce from=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.full.cub to=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.sum2.cub ons=512 onl=512 > fx f1=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.sum2.cub to=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.sum2.cub equation=f1*4 For SummingMode = 4, i.e. InstrumentModeId = SUM4, first, the *.full.cub files were reduced to 256x256 by averaging a 4x4 block of 16 pixels, then, to get the sum, each pixel of the reduced cube is multiplied by 16: > reduce from=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.full.cub to=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.sum4.cub ons=256 onl=256 > fx f1=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.sum4.cub to=nac_median_dark_parameters04228.sum4.cub equation=f1*16 nac_median_dark_parameters04228.full.cub nac_median_dark_parameters04228.sum2.cub nac_median_dark_parameters04228.sum4.cub wac_median_dark_parameters04222.full.cub wac_median_dark_parameters04222.sum2.cub wac_median_dark_parameters04222.sum4.cub