Object = IsisMiner Name = Jigsaw_Bundleout_Formatter RequiredParameters = ( bundleout, tofmt, totab ) Object = Strategy Name = CsvReader Type = CsvReader # Here are the possible parameter CsvFileArgs = BundleOut CsvFile = "%1" HasHeader = False SkipLines = 3 IgnoreComments = False Delimiter = "," Header = ("POINT_ID", "STATUS", "ACCEPTED_MEASURES","REJECTED_MEASURES", "RESIDUAL_RMS", "ADJUSTED_LATITUDE","ADJUSTED_LONGITUDE","ADJUSTED_RADIUS", "SIGMA_LATITUDE","SIGMA_LONGITUDE","SIGMA_RADIUS", "DELTA_LATITUDE", "DELTA_LONGITUDE", "DELTA_RADIUS", "X", "Y", "Z") Identity = Point_Id EndObject Object = Strategy_DNE Name = JigsawBundleFormat Type = PdsTableFormat # Here are the possible parameter PdsFormatFileArgs = tofmt PdsFormatFile = "%1" Delimiter = "," # Specify the PDS table format COLUMNB objects Column = ("POINT_ID", "STATUS", "ACCEPTED_MEASURES","REJECTED_MEASURES", "RESIDUAL_RMS", "ADJUSTED_LATITUDE","ADJUSTED_LONGITUDE","ADJUSTED_RADIUS", "SIGMA_LATITUDE", "SIGMA_LONGITUDE", "SIGMA_RADIUS", "DELTA_LATITUDE", "DELTA_LONGITUDE", "DELTA_RADIUS", "X", "Y", "Z") DataType = ("CHARACTER", "CHARACTER", "ASCII_INTEGER", "ASCII_INTEGER", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL", "ASCII_REAL") Unit = ("NONE", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE", "PIXELS", "DEGREES", "DEGREES", "KILOMETERS", "METERS", "METERS", "METERS", "METERS", "METERS", "METERS", "KILOMETERS", "KILOMETERS", "KILOMETERS") DataDescription = ("Unique point identifier for each jigsaw control point.", "Status of point. It can be FREE, FIXED or CONSTRAINED.", "Number of accepted (non-rejected) measures for the control point. This is actually the number of images that contain the control point (also referred to as the point depth).", "Number of measures rejected by jigsaw during the bundle adjustment (if outlier rejection is active)", "Root mean square error of residuals for a point. Indicates the statistical measure of variation in the difference of each measure within a control point.", "Latitude coordinate of the control point. This is the adjusted location of the control point after jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Longitude coordinate of control point. This is the adjusted location of the control point after jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Radius of control point. This is the adjusted radius of the control point after jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Adjusted uncertainty of Latitude coordinate of the control point after jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Adjusted uncertainty of Longitude coordinate of the control point after jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Adjusted uncertainty of Radius coordinate of the control point after jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Latitude adjustment. The number of meters the latitude coordinate has been adjusted by the jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Longitude adjustment. The number of meters the longitude coordinate has been adjusted by the jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Radius adjustment. The number of meters the radius has been adjusted by the jigsaw bundle adjustment.", "Body-fixed X coordinate of the vector from the center of the target body to the surface coordinate location.", "Body-fixed Y coordinate of the vector from the center of the target body to the surface coordinate location.", "Body-fixed Z coordinate of the vector from the center of the target body to the surface coordinate location.") # Declare all column byte sizes POINT_ID_BYTES = 32 STATUS_BYTES = 12 ACCEPTED_MEASURES_BYTES = 4 REJECTED_MEASURES_BYTES = 4 RESIDUAL_RMS_BYTES = 8 ADJUSTED_LATITUDE_BYTES = 16 ADJUSTED_LONGITUDE_BYTES = 16 ADJUSTED_RADIUS_BYTES = 16 SIGMA_LATITUDE_BYTES = 16 SIGMA_LONGITUDE_BYTES = 16 SIGMA_RADIUS_BYTES = 16 DELTA_LATITUDE_BYTES = 16 DELTA_LONGITUDE_BYTES = 16 DELTA_RADIUS_BYTES = 16 X_BYTES = 16 Y_BYTES = 16 Z_BYTES = 16 # Specify the column name that is unique to use as the Resource name # (identity). If this is not present, an name is generated as "RowX" # where X is input row starting at 0. IdentityKey = POINT_ID EndObject Object=Strategy Name = JigsawPointcloudWriter Type = PdsTableCreator PdsFormatFileArgs = tofmt PdsFormatFile = "%1" PdsTableFileArgs = totab PdsTableFile = "%1" Mode = Create Delimiter = "," DefaultValue = "NULL" EndObject EndObject End