changelog (1.9 -> 1.11):

    * applied a patch from Joris van Rantwijk to fix the 386 detection:
      the old version failed to recognize 8086 as being pre-386
    * changed the version number display to just use 1 string, and
      updated the mem.* message files accordingly
    * fixed the build.bat to make building on Watcom C easier
    * fixed the memory summary XMS part, made handling more consistent
    * if XMS total (from BIOS, if nothing found, from XMS) is smaller
      XMS free, assume that XMS total is equal to XMS free. Avoids
      negative values for XMS used in DOSEMU  :-) 
    * changed linebreaks to CRLF (downloading files with a Linux cvs
      client made linebreaks Linux style in version 1.8 or 1.9)
    * fixed the get_ext_mem_size error checking (failed to detect
      the carry flag), thanks to Joris for that one...

    * no longer suppress the EMS infos in NOEMS case
    * split mem.c into 2 parts to allow editing with DOS editors
    * convert() pretty-printer now also used for EMS/XMS/UMB free/largest
      and for int15h info (but not yet for ems_list() yet)
    * convert now uses the DOS NLS API to use the local 1000s sep char
    * converted spaces to tabs in the sources, but not inside strings