Function Description
convertFromSOAP Convert SOAP result to S object
fromSOAP Converst an XML node to an S Object
genSOAPClientInterface Create R functions to access SOAP server methods
getNodeById Find XML node by 'id' attribute
getSOAPType Compute the SOAP type identifier for an S object
isHTTPError Determines if an error occurred in an HTTP communication
parseSOAP Parse XML message
processWSDL Read and process a Web Service Description Language file
.SOAP Invoke a SOAP method
SOAPClientInterface-class Representation of machine-generated interface to SOAP methods and classes
SOAPFault Create a SOAP Fault object
SOAPHandlers Get SOAP function handlers
SOAP.logical Convert a SOAP logical value to S
SOAPNameSpaces Get SOAP namespace definitions
SOAPResult Create an object to represent the raw result of a SOAP invocation
SOAPResult-class Description of a the result of a SOAP request
SOAPServer Create a SOAP server object
SOAPServer-class Classes for SOAP Server object
SOAPServerDescription Constructor for describing methods and data structures of a SOAP server
SOAPServerDescription-class Description of a SOAP Server's methods and data types
SOAPType-class Classes for representing types for SOAP values
SOAPTypes Data objects used in SSOAP
toSOAP Convert S object to SOAP format
writeSOAPBody Write SOAP message elements directly to connection
writeTypes Output SOAP type information for an S object.
WSDLMethod-class Description of a SOAP method