Function Description
getBestNeighbors Client-side interface to obtain the name of genes that are homologous to a given gene Client-side interface to obtain the name of genes that contain the motifs represented by a set of motif ids Client-side interface to obtain the KEGG ids for all the genes of a given organism Client-side interface to obtain the KEGG ids for genes/enzymes/compounds/reactions that are involved in the interactions in a given pathway Client-side interface to obtain the name of genes that are homologous to a given gene Client-side interface to obtain data for paralogous genes Client-side interface to obtain the KEGG pathway ids
KEGGserver Definitions of objects used by other functions to access KESS SOAP service
list.organisms Client-side interface to obtain the names of organisms supported by KEGG databases Client-side interface to obtain an url for a KEGG pathway diagram with a given set of genes marked