COPE Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced (Brief COPE) References 1. Knoll, N., Rieckmann, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2005). Coping as a mediator between personality and stress outcomes: A longitudinal study with cataract surgery patients. European Journal of Personality, 19, 229-247. doi: 10.1002/per.546 2. Carver, C. S.  (1997).  You want to measure coping but your protocol’s too long:  Consider the Brief COPE. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 4, 92-100.  Timeframe: Trait (in vergangene unangenehmen oder schwierigen Situation) 28 Items Response scales: from 1 (not at all) to 4 (very much). 1 = überhaupt nicht 2 = ein bißchen 3 = ziemlich 4 = sehr Subscales/Columns: COPE_SelfDistraction: Self Distraction COPE_UseOfEmotionalSupport: Use Of Emotional Support COPE_BehavioralDisengagement: Behavioral Disengagement COPE_positiveReframing: Positive Reframing COPE_Humor: Humor COPE_Alkohol‎_Drogen: Substance Use COPE_UseOfInstrumentalSupport: Use Of Instrumental Support COPE_Venting: Venting COPE_Planning: Planning COPE_Acceptance: Acceptance COPE_SelfBlame: Self Blame COPE_Religion: Religion COPE_Denial: Denial COPE_activeCoping: Active Coping