[Mu] ntfs support

From: Bill Radis (radis@otenet.gr)
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 16:32:55 CEST

  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: [Mu] ntfs support"


            I downloaded mulinux v13r2 but it lacks support for ntfs. When I try to
    configure the ntfs module the system responds: "failed to load fs/ntfs,
    raison: not found". I check all the filesystem and there is no ntfs.o
    module. I also tried to mount an ntfs partition in case the ntfs support is
    built-in in the kernel but it fails with the message that the kernel does
    not support ntfs. Can anyone help me pls?

    Thanks in advance,

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  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: [Mu] ntfs support"

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