Answered By Dan Wilder, Ben Okopnik, Don Marti, Heather Stern, Iron
Yum. Wonder if I can find any rhubarb pie for lunch... :) Cleaning it
is pretty much like cleaning celery, nothing special; cooking is as per
any of the above recipes, depending on what you want to make.
And how do you "parblanch"? There's no definition of that term in the
I don't think rhubarb is ready for the desktop yet, at least until
you techie type people straighten out the poison issue and make it
parblanch itself.
Don, the GNU version of rhubarb is due out in just a few days; not only
does it parblanch itself, it will also frizz, wargle, blatter, *and*
mangulate everyone and everything in a 7,000-mile radius. Instead of
just a small part of it being poisonous, the entire plant consists of
pure potassium cyanide, thus saving you time, money and effort. Not only
_that,_ but it also comes with an attractive set of Ginsu knives, and -
if you order within the next thirty minutes - our combination orange
peeler, toilet disassembler, Fortran debugger, and spaceship detector.
Best of all, the source code is included.
Just say "no" to all those proprietary commercial versions of rhubarb!
Open Source rules!
At least you won't have to debug the garden anymore.
How do you clean and cook rhubard for making a pie or other uses?
No doubt you mean "rhubarb".
I cut off the leaves, wash in cold water, slice, and parblanch it, if
freezing for later use.
From my childhood in Michigan, I learned that tender young stems
are a nice snack fresh, washed and dipped in sugar.
Bessie, I'd suggest that you take a look at,
and search for "rhubarb" (not "rhubard") in the group. My
quick search has turned up 189 recipes, including the following:
Either the leaves or the stems are poisonous, so you shouldn't eat
whichever one is the poisonous part. And whatever you do, don't eat the
top part of the stem where it meets the leaves -- no matter which part
of the plant is poisonous, there will be some poison where they meet. At
least if you pick leaves or stems you have a 50/50 chance.
<snerch> Or the rest of Terra, either.
Say, can you just send me the source to that combination orange peeler,
toilet disassembler, fortran debugger, and spaceship detector? I want
to compile a local version that detects orange spaceships, and peels them
if they have buggy Fortran code installed.
That's disabled by default, but it's easy enough to fix:
make --with-orange-spaceships-and-buggy-Fortran-autopeel
Loooove those "make" options...
It also comes with an attractive set of Ginsu knives...
...known to those in the know as GiNsU knives. (Bet you didn't know there's
a GNU in every Ginsu.)
And to some others as G1n5u kn1v35.
Toto je zpráva ve formátu MIME obsahující více částí.
Oggetto: Super offer
Messaggio: I offer SUPER accomodeation in Prague. Only for Linux
users. Only 12 EUR/night/room ( 2 pers.) !!
[I'm giving the real address for this site because it's so hilarious. Buy your boss one. -Iron.]
This the ultimate lo-tech way to remember your passwords in style! It'ss a blank book in which you can write in the username and password of all the web sites you visit. It's multi-platform, so you can use it with any Operating System. There are special pages to record important system information, such as the model number of your printer cartridge. There's a page for always-forgotten e-mail addresses, and even a pages for Scribbles and Doodles!
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Testimonials from satisfied customers.
Tak a look at the St Bernard on the cover.
Article about designing a space elevator. [Space Daily, courtesy Slashdot.]
Those were the days, my friend, We thought they'd never end. We'd sing and dance forever and a day. We'd live the life we'd choose, We'd fight and never lose, Those were the days, Oh yes those were the days.
[who?] wrote and Miller played, Songs that made the Hit Parade. Guys like us we had it made, Those were the days. And you knew when you were then, Girls were girls and men were men. Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again. Didn't need no welfare state, Everybody pulls his weight. [umty umty umty...] Those were the days.
I think the second was inspired by the first, but as Mike says the tunes are completely different.
Answered By Iron
$ dosemu C:\> halloween.exe Welcome to Halloween, version 1.2 Have you ever heard a computer scream?
Answered By Heather Stern, Ben Okopnik
We asked Tux but it seems that he already has enough appearance engagements.
We've considered TeX the lion but he won't come unless we also sign his
girlfriend - negotiations are still underway. The l'il Daemon in Tennis
Shoes says we're not related to BSD and declined to comment further.
We hope you understand that we are trying to get ONLY serious people who really want to try and like the camera.Anybody who makes the camera unhappy will be let go without further notice. He's our star, and you're just a new actor. If we really like your work we might call you back on another set, sometime.
There is absolutely no payment of any form required from your side. On the oposite, all jobs we offers are well paid.We hope you like peanuts, because you'll get a lot of them.
This email is sent to you in full compliance with all existing and proposed email legislation.
We have a legal telepath on staff who is able to delete all our outbound email the moment any countering legislation is proposed in the House or Senate. We think. We often worry about whether we pay him enough.
Note: You are not on a mailing list, and this is a one-time email. If we don't get an answer, you'll never hear from us any more. You are removed by default. You can still reply with the word Remove in the subject. This right is yours by law.
Mr. Mailbox, you have the right to remain full. You may state "Remove" but it may be used against you and you won't be able to tell who did it. You have the right to mail filters. If you can't afford one then articles about procmail may be provided by the Linux Gazette. Please do not resist while I put on these "delete" handcuffs.
Use Fax nr 1-###-###-####
We'd fax you, but our legal telepath advises against it. I'm not really sure why he winced when he said that, but anyways, you know the number now.
<hi-five> Hea-THER! Yeah!!! <Laugh> A smackdown full of "Go Away,
Spammer" goodness. /me likes.
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Over the last 4 years I have built my retirement income stream in a Network Marketing Company that has eclipsed every measurable growth category in the history of the industry. We have grown faster than Microsoft, IBM and Coca Cola did in their first 3 years. Although we do no advertising and you most likely have never heard of us we currently are operating at THIRTY-TWO MILLION DOLLARS per MONTH in 22 countries !!
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If you're so successful, why are you looking for an
unknown partner on the Internet? You must know lots of people suitable to
turn your company over to.
Is this company still growing even though the other dot coms are not? Or is this an old letter still being recycled?
Over the last 4 years I have built my retirement income stream in ascheme based on embezzlement, theft, and con games that I call a
Network Marketing Company that has eclipsed every measurable growthof jock and toe fungus. In fact, it has supplanted that entire medical
category in the history of the industry. We have grown faster thananyone in the files of the FBI, DOJ, and the DEA, up to and including
Microsoft, IBM and Coca Cola did in their first 3 years. Althoughwe haven't yet been caught due to the fact that we run and hide and
we do no advertising and you most likely have never heard of us westill manage to come up with insanely moronic claims, like: we
currently are operating at THIRTY-TWO MILLION DOLLARS per MONTH in 22 countries !!This should be enough to convince you that we've been cutting our crack with too much plutonium, but if you're not yet convinced - read on!
This phenomenal growth has been fueled by a product that my companystole from Salvation Army trash cans. We like to pretend that it
has the exclusive world-wide distribution rights to and enjoys a 83%rate of not being spotted raiding the trash. We call that our
reorder order rate with the consumer base.just to throw in some cool-sounding words we read in _real_ ads.
I am looking to pass the baton to the right person or persons. I cando to you what I've always fantasized about (since I have no girlfriend)
and will offer the following:Those trash cans are *still* unwatched! The world is MINE!!!
- a. An inexhaustible world wide lead source - at no expense to you.
Black mask only $9.95; you must bring your own gloves and flashlight.b. A tested and proven duplicable training system, created and ran by me..for you
Two of us have done this for three months, but we really suck at math.c. 21 years of experience in this industry which we will compound into your success
I am not looking for an investor, I am looking for a working partner or partners.The darn cans rattle if nobody holds them!
Only the seasoned NETWORKER or experienced business entrepreneurwill laugh at this... well, OK, everybody will, but all those
with the right aptitude and attitude for success starting today needto hold their guffaws; one day, they might have a stupid idea too! Of course, anyone with even the slightest semblance of intelligence won't
Hello I visited your web site and I noticed that you did not have a message board.. So I just wanted to say that you should add one, because it will allow your visitors to interact with each other.. and also allows you to interact with them too..
[Great idea. In fact, we already have it! Click the "Talkback" link on the bottom of any article except the columns. -Iron.]
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Happy Linuxing!
Mike ("Iron") Orr
Editor, Linux Gazette,