Contributed By Thomas Adam
My main PC is a 166 pentium with 32MB ram. This beast also has a "coal" port at the back so that if the speed starts to dwindle, then you can "stoke" her up.
Answered By Jay Ashworth, Iron
hi my name is phill and i am new to hacking i have done a few hacks with some trojan programs but nothing big and i dont no were to start if you would be willing to help me with some skills on how to hack that dbe great i really wanna get some advanced hacking skillsGet more from the Web. FREE REE MSN Explorer download :
Anyone wanna take a swing?
I held back because I know Dan Wilder and Ben Okopnik will soon be posting volumuous pieces of Helpful Advice, and Heather will chime later in with an extra special spin, maybe with a supermarket analogy or something to surprise us.
What do you have to say, Jay?
[Jay] Given that I have to *work* with a new trainee consultant who sounds like this, I don't think it's safe for my blood pressure to say anything. I work for a living; I suppose I ought to pay the script kiddies for improving my revenue, but the whole thing sorta galls my sister.
Our last published piece on hacking I could find was: ("Help me crack my school") But I'm sure there were more in 2001 somewhere, either in The Answer Gang column or on the Back Page.
I do wonder why a hacker-wannabe is using MSN for a mail service....
The prosecution *rests*.He's not a "hacker" wannabe. He's a "cracker" wannabe. Or, if you prefer, a juvenile delinquent.
Diving into dry pools head-first is a good start, particularly from the high board - it's been known to cure incipient crackers. Sure, some - well, most - end up looking like a squashed bug, but you've got to admit, it's much better than the alternative. Be sure to try it today!
For advanced hacking skills, take a look at Eric S. Raymond's "How To Become A Hacker", at That takes you all the way from beginner to advanced... not what you meant? Oh, right, I forgot; when the cracker maggots invade your brain, language skills are the first thing to go. <shrug> I guess you'll never be able to explain what you really want, now. I understand that progression of the disease is difficult to reverse, deterioration is rapid, and the prognosis is NOT positive.
A friend of mine's got a 10th floor apartment, and the pool might even have been emptied for the winter. Want me to ask? Really, it wouldn't take long at all...
Regarding MSN, Good news!!! I've got a *great* cracking opportunity coming up for you; you'll need to break into MSN and establish a new account. See, you'll *have* to do this because I'm about to report your criminal activities to MSN - including your confession of having already "done a few hacks with some trojan programs", so that even their admin people can have a laugh at your terminally moronic behavior. All they have to do is look at the headers in your e-mail (didn't know about those, did you?), compare them with the copy that will still be on their servers (missed that one too, huh?), and TOSs your ass so hard that you'll bounce.
You know, if you ask the folks at your local TV or radio station, they might let you climb their tower - you could get a coupla hundred feet up that way - and you could always drag up a bathtub. Seriously, give it a shot: it can't hurt. Well, actually it would, but it's the kind of thing you're supposed to say...
Now, *see*? I *knew* Ben would come up with something lyrical.
I've got to give MSN their due: they actually have humans assigned to dealing with this stuff, and when these folks LART one, they let you know: "Hi, my name is X, and I'm the one assigned to this case. I've examined the information you've sent us, and terminated our former customer on that basis. Thank you for...", etc. They also seem to pay attention to the info that you send them in the complaint letter. My "spamkill" file contains quite a few from them.
Answered By Iron, Heather Stern, Rachel Rawlings
Four out of five sexist computer nerds surveyed agree Tux is male.
That might refer to Linus' original comment that penguins are happy
because they have just stuffed themselves full of herring or have been
hanging out with lady penguins. We only know that Tux is stuffed full
of herring, but we can assume Tux hangs out with lady penguins.
Which actually doesn't get say definitively whether Tux is male. Tux
could hang out with lady penguins cf. Marlena Dietrich, or be a
high-class drag king.
However, speaking as a dyke with a largish stuffed animal collection (one of whom is a female Peter Rabbit named Katja), my Tux is male. Other users' Tuxen may vary according to the needs of the user, much like their kernel configurations.
Interesting. I wonder if Eric Raymond's enhanced kernel configurator will have a question for which sex your kernel should be built as.
Answered By Ben Okopnik, Iron, Faber Fedor
Ben writes:I'm neither a friend of yours or a paid consultant for you.
Why, that's mighty fine of you, Ben. You must be getting soft in your old age. You can't wear those dark menacing LG sunglasses anymore.
Now that sounds right proper curdgemeonly (sp). OK, you can keep the glasses.if you have either a thick head or a thin skin,
And we'll get you a pirate eye patch to go with it. Hey, you can use that on your sea voyages too! Do you need a flag with a skull and crossbones too or do you already have that? Or maybe your flag is getting a bit tattered....By the way, guess what came in the spam today. Just perfect for Ben.
Subject: Your metals sunglasses One of the world largest Sunglasses company is clearing stock. Get a pair of Sexy Metals Sunglasses model 2002 for free while stock last.
<Splort> You... you... <Daffy Duck mode> You're dethhhhhhpicable. </DDm>
Besides, you probably wouldn't want "Metals sunglasses"; I understand that Metal gets mean after a few drinks, and he *really* gets upset about people that take his sunglasses. Just a warning to the wise.
Another spam came through too.
From: <> Subject: Spy Ear Blowout Sale Oh yeah! What a great way to identify spies; they'll be the ones with their ears blown out. - "Excuse me, sir..." - "What? what? I can't hear you." - "ARREST THAT MAN!!!"Of course, Ben knows a lot about how spies operate...
<Glare> Your time vill come, Comrade. Ve haff long memories.
I hate to do this, but I have to agree with Ben...again!
Why, Faber! I'm cut to the quick by your implications; I'm shocked -
simply shocked, I tell you - by this. <sniffle>
Eh, just admit it; I'm always right.
a) Make the script SUID root (!!! use with caution - this is a *bad* idea
unless you know exactly what you're doing !!!):
Ben, which OS are you running that one on ?!?
Last I heard, Linux didn't accomodate setuid scripts.
Dan's too polite. I told him to ask Ben what drugs he's on.
Oh, the same as usual. I think it's the mix, though: I just tried using a
little more plutonium and a little less crack, and that's _clearly_ not the
way to go.
(Boy, the FBI is going to be all *over* this one. The only thing that's
missing is a reference to sex and death... ah, there we go. See y'all in
about 20 years.)
You can join Don Marti, future political prisoner.
You should maybe consider some strong encryption like rot13 to keep the
AFN, SOV and PVN computers occupied ;-)
Shhhay! Isthay isway away IGBAY ecretsay!
Now *there's* a Denial of Service attack that'll take'em right down. My
diabolical plan for World Domination is proceeding apace...
I wanted to change "side comments from Ben Okopnik and Heather Stern" to
"with snide comments from Ben Okopnik and Heather Stern", but I refrained.
My God, Mike. The incredible amount of self-restraint that must have
taken... oh, the feeling of sacrifice... I'm stunned that you managed to
overcome such a temptation. Worse yet, you could have always pretended to
be innocent and blamed it on a simple misspelling.
Want a pair of these dark glasses? <innocently> Just asking.
Heather can put it in her todo list for next month, to sneak the
"for snide comments in" quote when nobody's looking. Which means
you'll have to be extra snide over the next month to give her
material. Do you think you can handle that?
Besides, I can't possibly imagine how you came by that impression. /Moi/,
*snide?* Huh. The very _idea._
If someone *deserves* to be smacked down, however... <rubbing hands
Answered By Iron, Jay Ashworth, Ben Okopnik, Heather Stern
Especially when a package depends on itself! This happens a few times a year
in Unstable.
(Note that many agitators and activists *do* have "Linux world
domination" as their goal,
But many who support World Domination aren't really activist about it.
but there isn't much overlap between the core
developers in free software, and the agitators and activists).
Defense in Depth, my revered senior partner.
<gasp> Jay has called me "senior" and "revered"! *NOW* I shall rule!
I don't even have to say anything...
"Hello, Central? What's holding up that assassination team? Oh, Seattle
traffic. OK. I'll give them fifteen more minutes..."
Tell Mr Okopnik he'd better give us two hours.
We're all whippersnappers at some point, Ben, your turn will come.
<wicked grin>
Why, you young... oh. Never mind.
I'll be turning 40 in a couple of months, so I'm practicing.
I want him to drop and give me 20, myself.
"Hello, US Air Force? Do you happen to have 20 of those bunker-busters
left? Here are some coordinates in Florida..."
I got done "dropping and doing 20" almost 20 years ago, Jay. Although I've
just started working out again, so that's maybe a reasonable equivalent.
Answered By Iron, Ben Okopnik, Jay Ashworth
Heh. "Dubitando ad veritatem venimus" ("We arrive at the truth by being
Malfidante ni trovas la veron. (Untrusting, we find the truth.)
<LOL> Well, *that* didn't take long. Do we need a modified version of
Godwin's Law
here, or what?
(For the humor-impaired: Just kidding. I really like Mike's little
Esperanto bits... I also like twitting him about it.
To support other languages, various 8-bit charsets were introduced. The
ISO-8859-x series ("man iso_8859_1") is the most common on UNIX. -1 (aka
LATIN-1) covers Western Europe (Germanic/Romance languages), -2 (aka LATIN-2)
covers Eastern Europe (Slavic languages), -3 (aka LATIN-3) covers miscellaneous
Europe (and Esperanto :).
<narrowed eyes behind the dark glasses> You thought I'd miss that, didn't
you? The Revolution Never Sleeps.
No, I knew you'd never miss that. You had extensive training, comrade.
Answered By Jay Ashworth, Iron, Ben Okopnik, Dan Wilder
Since "concur" means "agree", the opposite is "disagree".
Yeah, but that's only a 49-cent word. I prefer the buck-2.98 ones.
Down with $3 words! It's ridiculous that children compete in spelling
bees over words that ordinary people would never use and don't know exist.
Just because it's *possible* to derive a fancy Latin word for an ordinary
English word doesn't automatically make it an English word. It's academickese,
not English. There's probably a simple English word or circumlocution that
covers the same terrain perfectly adequately, so why not use it? There's
nothing to be gained by using words Joe Sixpack can't understand, except for
the "few" technical terms that are absolutely necessary for a given field.
I disagree, almost entirely.
It depends, of course, on what your *objective* is, and there are many
objectives in writing: you might be trying to impress people, to inform
them, to persuade them...
Each of these jobs requires a different set of tools, just as there
is no one answer to the question "what kind of computer should I buy"
other than "well, what are you going to *do* with it?"
Certainly, it's possible to use words which are fancier-than-thou, and
lose your audience in the process. But that possibility isn't by any
means justification for not being literate and -- dare I say it --
lyrical in your writing.
But, contrary to many people's belief, I think that people want to read
elegant writing, even if it occasionally makes them need to look up a
word that they can't glark from context.
True, there is language-for-communication and language-as-art. I would
argue that academic/techical writing is supposedly language-for-communication,
thus, its tendency to fanciness hinders its basic purpose.
An urgent example in US society is the language of laws. Nobody but lawyers
can understand then, and even lawyers don't agree on what the DMCA means. How
are people supposed to obey laws they can't understand and don't have time to
read? How can they evaluate whether the law is just? How can they avoid being
Personal writing-as-art is a personal thing. I just don't like the way
it can hinder communication, especially works that end up being read by others
than the author intended. For instance, when non-English speakers read Gazette
articles. That's why try to keep LG as straightforward as possible. I'd love
to clean up the spelling/grammar mistakes if I had the time, but I don't have
50 extra hours per month, so I just do the ones that seriously impede
I read Trainspotting and think, the Scottish phonetic style offends my sense
of clarity, but the author's goal is to convey this style of thought/viewpoint
as much as it is to convey content, so I can accept it.
I read Star Wars and think, why does the author have to write in such a
convoluted manner? It adds nothing to the story except to make it "hip".
I read Ratz Are Nice (PSP) and think, why does the author have to write in
such a slangy style? "They go weekend hunting looking for ruffboichail'z. They
wontz to be quickened... I Edison basically loseout 3 wayz." Actually, I
never got past the first chapter. I don't have time to sound out what he's
trying to say, much less guess what dialect they're speaking. God forbid a
non-English speaker should take an interest in the book.
I prefer a writing style readable by as wide an audience as possible.
I haven't read Trainspotting; I'll assume it's half way to James Joyce.
I'm not gonna get a bite on "glark", eh?
Trainspotting quotes:
At the Fit ay the Walk thir wir nai taxis. They only
congregated here when ye didnae need them.
"See whit yuv done now, ya big-moothed c**t. Next time one ay
us ur walkin home oan oor Jack Jones, wi git hassle fi these wee
radges." Ah wisnae chuffed at Sick Boy.
"Yir no feart ay they wee f****n saps ur ye?"
This c**t's really gittin ma f****n goat. "Aye! Aye ah f****n
am, if ah'm oan ma tod n ah git set oan by a f****n squad ay
shell-suits! Ye think ah'm Jean-Claude Van F****n Damme?
F****n doss c**t, so ye are Simon." Ah called him 'Simon'
rather than 'Si' or 'Sick Boy' tae emphasise the seriousness ay
what ah wis sayin.
Of course, Scottish literature is pretty scarce and underrepresented,
and Irving Welsh is one of the few authors filling the gap.
I'm fairly close to the middle of this one, but with somewhat of a lean in
Jay's direction: there are times - especially when writing for a techie
audience - when the more spendy variety of verbal pyrotechnics (remember to
always and ever eschew needless and unnecessary word usage!) is called
for... but the reason is the one that Mike mentions: writing to a given
Believe it or not, I *am* a fan of writing differently depending on
your audience. I'm just pointing out that sometimes one's audience
ends up being bigger than anticipated, and the assumptions one made
about the audience no longer hold true.
PS. Just in case it's unclear, I'm *not* complaining about anything
anybody's written on TAG. This is just a problem I've seen other places.
Oh darn. Guess I hafta go get out the old thesaurus more often.
Should be familiar territory by now, Dan; ISTR that you were raised on the
stuff. Or was that brontosaurus? Either way, should be pretty tasty with
just a touch of lemon and Hollandaise sauce...
Customarily prepared by briefly grilling steaks rubbed with wild onion
directly on top of a hardwood twig fire. Also great as thesaurus tartare.
Answered By John Karns
any body pls give me any utility. don't tell me FAQ.
this is boring for me. if anybody wants help me out than pls provide me
If you find reading FAQ's boring, I don't think you're going to like Linux
too much.
Answered By Dan Wilder
We are affilitated with no university. None. Nil.
Nor college, high school, research institute, preschool.
Not even a skateboard park. Nor basketball stadium,
automotive repair garage, not even a pizza parlor.
Answered By Ben Okopnik, Iron
Oh... bosh. Chris, you often launch interesting questions, and digging
down to the bottom of those can be fun. Now quit smacking yourself; you're
wearing out that nice new tennis racket.
Next time, Ben, buy him the plastic racket, not the metal one. He'll be less
likely to hurt himself that way.
I could wear a helmet for extra protection too. That will help during
intense software debug sessions when I keep hitting my head against the
Answered By Heather Stern, Iron, Ben Okopnik
Well, the deli counter is that way, but it doesn't serve beer or milk or
tea much less mango lassi or jumbo smoothies. Only coffee and soda pop.
Oh well.
And Rory called my Jasmine tea yesterday "fou-fou". Can you believe it?
Well, *yeah*. I keep telling you to get rid of the little plastic umbrella
and the maraschino cherries - they really _do not_ go with jasmine tea -
but would you listen?...
Answered By Ben Okopnik, Jay Ashworth
There's always the "--view-the-Ethernet-source-and-destination-addresses-
of-three-packets-with-no-time-stamp-data-added" switch (one of the standard
GNU long options.) Be sure to type it out every time, too; cut-and-paste
won't work, since the "cut_and_paste_detect()" function will just reject
You probably mistyped it. Try it fifteen or twenty more times. If that
fails, try
REPORTS! ==You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your
computer and resell them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5 = $25.00.
Within a few days you will receive, via e-mail, each of the 5 reports from
these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be
accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from
Oh, oops. Look at that; your poor eyeballs. Are they supposed to protrude
like that? Say, that ear looks blown out, too. Are you *sure* you're not a
spy? Quick, somebody - ARREST THAT MAN!
Do you have a product or service to sell?
Do you want an extra 100 orders per week?
NOTE: (If you do not already have a product or service to sell, we can
supply you with one).
Big Brother will hide on your computer and secretly record all instant messages,
chat, email, web sites and more! Once you install it, it becomes completely
invisible. Then, after the computer is used, you just enter a secret
key-sequence, and you can see everything that happened!
*************************************************** I have plenty of fresh verified email names and can get you results.
You simply furnish your message and I do the rest. I guarantee you 100%
delivery. It can even be done in full color at no extra cost.
This will definitely be the choke point of raising reputation and business
development deeply of your company.
We fully believe that with our service, visitors of your web
site will increase significantly.
At present, there are about 500,000 search
engines in the whole world, but fortunately XXXXX is the rare breed that
can help you register your website with the famous search engine companies.
Clean it off now !
Happy Linuxing!
Mike ("Iron") Orr
In another thread...
chmod 4755 mswin
In another thread...
Debian and World Domination
This is very reliable when you're Debian system is tracking
"stable". Reasonably robust and reliable when tracking "testing".
Occasionally *very* broken when tracking "unstable."
As in sports. There's not a lot of overlap between the hockey players
who score the most goals and the players hired to pick fights.
Then in another thread...
[I'm working on an Esperanto translation of parts of LG. It'll be another month
or so till it's up. -Iron.]
Malfidante ni malkasxas la veron. (Untrusting, we discover [=unhide] the truth.)
Per skeptikemo ni atingas la veron. (By our tendency to be skeptical, we achieve the
And in another thread...
$3 words and Trainspotting
But, contrary to many people's belief, I think that people want to read
elegant writing, even if it occasionally makes them need to look up a
word that they can't glark from context.
Funny, you say this, but I find your writing perfectly clear and void of
$3 words. (Oops, I said "void of" rather than "doesn't have".)
"That's no the f*****g point," ah sais, but withoot conviction.
"Aye. The point is ah'm really f*****g suffering here, n ma
so-called mate's draggin his feet deliberately, lovin every
f****n minute ay it!" His eyes seem the size ay fitba's n look
hostile, yet pleadin at the same time; poignant testimonies tae
ma supposed betrayal.
Actually, the book switches between Scots and English pretty much at
random. There are entire passages in English, and recent words like
"taxis" and "dealer" that have no Scots equivalent are just thrown in
unchanged, looking out of place because they're not spelled
Boring documentation
University admissions
Tennis rackets
I got this information by looking at sendlib.c in the Mutt source code. I
am sorry. I really shouldn't have posted this question. I WAS lazy, and
now I feel bad.
tcpdump: command line switch too long.
What do I do now, Unca Ben?
tcpdump --irony
(Hint: does not mean "kinda like iron". :)
World of Spam
I'll make you a promise. READ THIS E-MAIL TO THE END! - follow what it says to
the letter - and you will not worry whether a RECESSION is coming or not, who
is President, or whether you keep your current job or not....
Analysis by Chris Gianacopoulos
The NON-detectable KISS has arrived!!!
I wonder if it'll be non-detectable like a computer virus.
These fantastic new lip products are waterproof
will not smear off, kiss off, or rub off.
Almost like a clown face!
Lip-gloss products will not come off until you
TAKE them Off. Look like a movie star all day long.
Oh no! If I look like a movie star, then, people will know who I am. There
goes my private life.
Analysis by Ben Okopnik
From: <>
Subject: Spy Ear Blowout Sale
Oh yeah! What a great way to identify spies; they'll be the ones with their
ears blown out.
- "Excuse me, sir..."
- "What? what? I can't hear you."
thing on the market, the discreet ISPY007 SPY EAR Mini Hearing
It will let you hear up to 20 feet away with crystal clear reception!
Can we test that? Go ahead and put that thing in your ear, and listen
Put the Internet to Work for You!
It's easy to turn the internet into your own 24/7 business and earn an
executive's salary!
You can make a fortune on Ebay and other auctions sites provided your armed
with the RIGHT information. Get your hands on the closely guarded secrets the
pro's use everyday!
[Nice grammar there, "your". -Iron.]
XXXXX Publications Co. is broadening its publishing scope by releasing the
first in its series of books designed to cover .NET, Microsoft's new
programming platform, arguably the most important Microsoft innovation since
the introduction of Windows itself. .NET fuses desktop and network-based
development and provides programmers with a unified, language-neutral
framework. It also makes many existing developer skills obsolete and a
transition to .NET inevitable.
Get Background Information on anyone!
NOTHING can be hidden from you when you have the power of NetDetective!
You can investigate - Wife, Husband, Boss, Babysitter, Boyfriend, Girlfriend. Do it today!
OVER 12,000,000 PEOPLE DAILY for FREE?
Is your spouse cheating online?
Are your kids talking to dangerous people on instant messenger?
FIND OUT NOW with Big Brother
instant software
Compressed air cost about 1.25 paise per Cu. Ft. Using air amplifying blow guns
and blow nozzles you can save upto 80% compressed air. That is why pay back period
is in hours.
Since India has no anti-spamming law, we follow the US Unsolicited Electronic
Mail Act of 2000, which states that mail cannot be considered Spam if it contains
contact / removal information, which this mail does. If you want to be removed
from the mailing list then you must reply to this mail with "Remove" in the subject
line and e-mail for faster response and action.
Here's an evil spam. Not only does it pretend to be a WinXP patch
(making you think it's an official Service Pack), but why is it
base64 if it claims to be an *.htm file?
Subject: A WinXP patch
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Can't get email out to the masses without losing your ISP??? Don't know how to
get sales for your product??? Can't get traffic to your
[I wonder how he manages to show full-color messages on pine. -Iron.]
We are looking to buy:
Submersible piling hammers for use offshore.
Pile sizes are from 24" to 56". Depth 70-100 meter
I am Mrs. Monica Martins, the
wife of late Brigadier Arnold Martins of Angola. I am
writing to you from South Africa.
Your firm was introduced to me by a career diplomat
who I consulted in my search for a reliable individual
/company who can assist my son in transferring a
reasonable sum of money abroad to a company or private
account. I on behalf of my late husband and my only
son Frank decided to solicit for your assistance to
transfer the sum of US$12.6 M (twelve million six
hundred thousand united states dollars) deposited by
my late husband in a private security company in South
[A paltry $12.5 million? I'm sure there'll be a better deal later
in my inbox. -Iron.]
We'd visited your website: After thorough research, we found
that your web site has not registered on any popular search engines and
[I admire the quality of your "thorough research". Especially since
Linux Gazette is on plenty of search engines. -Iron.]
Is there pornography on your computer? Are you sure?
FREE PC Check.
(( This is not SPAM ))
Editor, Linux Gazette,
Copyright © 2002, the Editors of Linux Gazette.
Copying license
Published in Issue 76 of Linux Gazette, March 2002