# otpw-gen -h 5 Generating random seed ... If your paper password list is stolen, the thief should not gain access to your account with this information alone. Therefore, you need to memorize and enter below a prefix password. You will have to enter that each time directly before entering the one-time password (on the same line). When you log in, a 3-digit password number will be displayed. It identifies the one-time password on your list that you have to append to the prefix password. If another login to your account is in progress at the same time, several password numbers may be shown and all corresponding passwords have to be appended after the prefix password. Best generate a new password list when you have used up half of the old one. Enter new prefix password: Reenter prefix password: Creating '~/.otpw'. Generating new one-time passwords ... OTPW list generated 2008-03-16 10:23 on testvm3.seidelnet.de 000 a7Sj rWoC 001 %URK VvmD 002 EoQa sgon 003 IQhJ kVMG 004 QsS% H=aU !!! REMEMBER: Enter the PREFIX PASSWORD first !!!