
geany-plugins - Plugins for Geany

License: GPLv3+
Plugins for Geany. Plugins included are:
* Addons (Various small Addons)
* Code navigation (Navigate through your source code easily)
* Debugger (Enables debugging in Geany)
* Geanydoc (Call specific documentation from within Geany)
* Geanyextrasel (Additional features for selecting code)
* GeanyGenDoc (Automatically generate documentation source code)
* GeanyGDB (Integration with GDB)
* Geanyinsertnum (Insert huge number ranges with small efforts)
* GeanyLaTeX (Improved Support for LaTeX documents)
* GeanyLipsum (Inserting blocks of Lorem Ipsum text)
* Geanylua (Support for Scripting with Lua)
* GeanyMacro (User defined Macros for Geany)
* GeanyNumberedBookmarks (Provide users with 10 numbered Bookmarks)
* GeanyPG (Encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPG)
* Geanyprj (Alternate project management for Geany)
* GeanySendMail (Sending of documents from within Geany)
* GeanyVC (Support for various Version Control Systems)
* GProject (Extension of Geany's Project Management)
* Pretty-Print (XML Pretty Printer)
* Shiftcolumn (Moving blocks of text horizontally)
* Spellcheck (Spell checking of documents or marked text)
* Tableconvert (Helps on converting a tabulator separated selection into a table)
* Treebrowser (Alternate file browser with tree view of folders)
* Webhelper (Provides some web development facilities for Geany)
* XMLSnippets (Extends XML/HTML tag autocompletion provided by Geany)


geany-plugins-0.21-3.fu2013.src [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Kigurame (2013-03-12):
- Built for Fuduntu

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-2.fu2012