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GraphicsMagick -
An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality
HandBrake -
A program to transcode DVDs and other sources to MPEG-4
ImageMagick -
An X application for displaying and manipulating images
Miro -
Internet TV Player
alsa-firmware -
Firmware for several ALSA-supported sound cards
alsa-oss -
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) wrapper for OSS
alsa-tools -
Specialist tools for ALSA
alsa-utils -
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilities
amarok -
Media player
audacious -
A GTK2 based media player similar to xmms
audacious-plugins -
Plugins for the Audacious media player
audacity -
Multitrack audio editor
audacity-freeworld -
Multitrack audio editor
autotrace -
Utility for converting bitmaps to vector graphics
avidemux -
Graphical video editing and transcoding tool
banshee -
Easily import, manage, and play selections from your music collection
banshee-community-extensions -
Collection of extensions for the media player Banshee
blender -
3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
brasero -
Gnome CD/DVD burning application
calf -
Audio plugins pack
calibre -
E-book converter and library management
cdparanoia -
Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDDA) extraction tool (or ripper)
cdrdao -
Writes audio CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode
cinepaint -
CinePaint is a tool for manipulating images
ciso -
ISO to CSO converter
clementine -
A music player and library organizer
clive -
Video extraction tool for user-uploaded video hosts
cmus -
Ncurses-Based Music Player
deadbeef -
A music player with cue sheet support
devede -
A program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD)
dia -
Diagram drawing program
dssi -
Disposable Soft Synth Interface
dvb-apps -
Utility, demo and test applications using the Linux DVB API
dvd+rw-tools -
Toolchain to master DVD+RW/+R media
dvdauthor -
Command line DVD authoring tool
dvgrab -
Utility to capture video from a DV camera
easytag -
Tag editor for mp3, ogg, flac and other music files
epstool -
A utility to create or extract preview images in EPS files
espeak -
Software speech synthesizer (text-to-speech)
exiv2 -
Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
faad2 -
Library and frontend for decoding MPEG2/4 AAC
fbida -
FrameBuffer Imageviewer
festival -
Speech synthesis and text-to-speech system
ffmpeg -
Digital VCR and streaming server
ffmpeg-compat -
Digital VCR and streaming server
flac -
An encoder/decoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec
flite -
Small, fast speech synthesis engine (text-to-speech)
fluid-soundfont -
Pro-quality GM/GS soundfont
fluidsynth -
Real-time software synthesizer
foobnix -
Simple and powerful music player for Linux
fuduntu-backgrounds -
Desktop backgrounds packaged with Fuduntu Linux
gimp -
GNU Image Manipulation Program
gimp-data-extras -
Extra files for GIMP
gimp-fourier-plugin -
A simple plug-in to do fourier transform on your image
gimp-resynthesizer -
Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis
gimpfx-foundry -
Additional GIMP plugins
gmusicbrowser -
Jukebox for large collections of music files
gnome-backgrounds -
Desktop backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop
gnome-dvb-daemon -
Digital Television manager
gnome-media -
GNOME media programs
gnome-mplayer -
An MPlayer GUI, a full-featured binary
gnomebaker -
gpodder -
Podcast receiver/catcher written in Python
gstreamer -
GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
gstreamer-ffmpeg -
GStreamer FFmpeg-based plug-ins
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free -
GStreamer streaming media framework "bad" plug-ins
gstreamer-plugins-base -
GStreamer streaming media framework base plug-ins
gstreamer-plugins-good -
GStreamer plug-ins with good code and licensing
gstreamer-plugins-ugly -
GStreamer streaming media framework "ugly" plug-ins
gstreamer-rtsp -
GStreamer RTSP server library
gt -
Modified Timidity which supportes enhanced gus format patches
gtk-recordmydesktop -
GUI Desktop session recorder with audio and video
istanbul -
Desktop Session Recorder
k9copy -
Video DVD backup and creation program
kaffeine -
KDE media player
kdegraphics -
KDE Graphics Applications
kdemultimedia -
KDE Multimedia metapackage
ladspa-amb-plugins -
Ambisonics LADSPA plugins
ladspa-autotalent-plugins -
A pitch correction LADSPA plugin
ladspa-blop-plugins -
Bandlimited LADSPA Oscillator Plugins
ladspa-caps-plugins -
The C* Audio Plugin Suite
ladspa-cmt-plugins -
A collection of LADSPA plugins
ladspa-fil-plugins -
LADSPA Filter plugins
ladspa-mcp-plugins -
A set of audio plugins for LADSPA
ladspa-rev-plugins -
A reverberation plugin for LADSPA
ladspa-swh-plugins -
A set of audio plugins for LADSPA
ladspa-tap-plugins -
Tom's Audio Processing plugin
ladspa-vco-plugins -
Anti-aliased pulse and sawtooth oscillators
lame -
Free MP3 audio compressor
laughlin-backgrounds -
Laughlin desktop backgrounds
libmikmod -
A MOD music file player library
libmovtar -
Tools for the movtar MJPEG video format
libprojectM -
The libraries for the projectM music visualization plugin
libprojectM-qt -
The Qt frontend to the projectM visualization plugin
libvisual -
Abstraction library for audio visualisation plugins
lives -
Linux Video Editing System
lmms -
Linux MultiMedia Studio
mikmod -
Music module player
minitube -
A YouTube desktop client
mjpegtools -
Tools for recording, editing, playing and encoding mpeg video
mpg123 -
A fast console MPEG Audio Player
mplayer -
Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
mscore -
Music Composition & Notation Software
netflix-desktop -
Netflix Desktop Metapackage
openjpeg -
JPEG 2000 command line tools
openshot -
A GTK based non-linear video editor
oyranos -
The Oyranos Color Management System (CMS)
pavucontrol -
Volume control for PulseAudio
perl-Image-ExifTool -
Utility for reading and writing image meta info
phonon-backend-vlc -
VLC phonon backend
pianobar -
console Pandora.com client
pinta -
An easy to use drawing and image editing program
puddletag -
Feature rich, easy to use tag editor
pulseaudio-equalizer -
A 15 Bands Equalizer for PulseAudio
pulseaudio-mixer-applet -
PulseAudio Mixer Applet
quodlibet -
A music management program
radiotray -
Radio Tray is a streaming player for listening to online radios
recordmydesktop -
Desktop session recorder with audio and video
rhythmbox -
Music Management Application
shotwell -
A photo organizer for the GNOME desktop
shutter -
GTK+ 2.0 screenshot application written in perl
simple-scan -
Simple scanning utility
smplayer -
A graphical frontend for mplayer
soundconverter -
Simple sound converter application for GNOME
sox -
A general purpose sound file conversion tool
subtitleeditor -
GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD
taglib-extras -
Taglib support for other formats
tagtool -
Ogg Vorbis and MP3 tag manager
totem -
Movie player for GNOME
transcode -
Video stream processing tool
tuxpaint -
Drawing program designed for young children
tuxpaint-stamps -
Extra stamp files for tuxpaint
tvtime -
A high quality TV viewer
twolame -
TwoLAME is an optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library based on tooLAME
ufraw -
Raw image data retrieval tool for digital cameras
vcdimager -
VideoCD (pre-)mastering and ripping tool
vlc -
The cross-platform open-source multimedia framework, player and server
vorbis-tools -
The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec tools
vorbisgain -
Adds tags to Ogg Vorbis files to adjust the volume
wavpack -
A completely open audiocodec
xine-plugin -
Mozilla/Netscape compatible media plugin
xine-ui -
A skinned xlib-based gui for xine-lib
xmms -
The X MultiMedia System, a media player
xmms-mp3 -
MP3 output plugin for XMMS
xmms2 -
A modular audio framework and plugin architecture
xsane -
X Window System front-end for the SANE scanner interface
y4mscaler -
Video scaler which operates on YUV4MPEG2 streams