momentan komme ich leider gar nicht mehr zum Testen. :-X
Von Anfang bis Ende September bin ich privat in den USA und muss dafür noch eine ganze Menge vorbereiten.
Ende September bin ich wieder in Deutschland und dann werde ich erst dazu kommen wieder am VDR schrauben zu können.
Bis dahin kann ich nur mitlesen, aber habe keine Gelegenheit selbst etwas zu machen.
Also nicht wundern, wenn von mir nicht viel zu hören ist!
Vielleicht gibt es bis dahin eine Möglichkeit das ganze auf einer Festplatte testen zu können, denn auf dem USB-Stick macht es nicht so richtig Spass.
yaVDR-0.6.0 mit kernel-4.2.0
ASUS P8Z77-L-VX, 1x TBS-6981, 1x TBS-8922, 6,4"-TFT-Display
Zitat:Vielleicht gibt es bis dahin eine Möglichkeit das ganze auf einer Festplatte testen zu können, denn auf dem USB-Stick macht es nicht so richtig Spass.
Das kann jetzt schon - mußt nur die Installation direkt auf eine SATA-Platte druchführen
Hatte epok04 auch gemacht.
Zitat:Ende September bin ich wieder in Deutschland und dann werde ich erst dazu kommen wieder am VDR schrauben zu können.
Ende September bin ich auch erst wieder aus dem Urlaub zurück.
This morning, i quickly saw a message that talk about the signal loss (or System Cable missing).
It was very quick, and i haven't manage to read the whole message in the OSD (it was in english)
I don't know how VDR can display a such thing because i haven't signal quality on this system
I've tried to install your dvb-local deb,, but it fails.
[email protected]:/usr/src# dpkg -i dvb-local-0.0.1.deb
(Lecture de la base de données... 83070 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Dépaquetage de dvb-local-fix (à partir de dvb-local-0.0.1.deb) ...
dpkg : erreur de traitement de dvb-local-0.0.1.deb (--install) :
tentative de remplacement de « /etc/vdr/diseqc.conf », qui appartient aussi au paquet reelvdr-baseconfig 0:1.67-26
dpkg-deb: sous-processus coller tué par le signal (Relais brisé (pipe))
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
(i've already install the kernel 2.6.32-28 and booting on it)
any ideas?
femon works fine and the mcli stuff is gone. Good job
I have a problem with HD channels
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 82 0x0052
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox kernel: [ 1263.971989] cx88[0]/2-mpeg: general errors: 0x00000100
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 82 0x0052
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:12 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:15 easyBox kernel: [ 1266.978009] cx88[0]/2-mpeg: general errors: 0x00000100
Aug 17 23:21:15 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:15 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:17 easyBox kernel: [ 1268.982079] cx88[0]/2-mpeg: general errors: 0x00000100
Aug 17 23:21:17 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:17 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 82 0x0052
Aug 17 23:21:17 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:17 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:18 easyBox vdr: [3316] frontend 1/0 lost lock on channel 514, tp 578
Aug 17 23:21:18 easyBox vdr: [3316] frontend 1/0 regained lock on channel 514, tp 578
Aug 17 23:21:19 easyBox kernel: [ 1270.986256] cx88[0]/2-mpeg: general errors: 0x00000100
Aug 17 23:21:19 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:20 easyBox kernel: [ 1271.489240] cx88[0]/2-mpeg: general errors: 0x00000100
Aug 17 23:21:20 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:20 easyBox vdr: [3316] frontend 1/0 lost lock on channel 514, tp 578
Aug 17 23:21:20 easyBox vdr: [3316] frontend 1/0 regained lock on channel 514, tp 578
Aug 17 23:21:24 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
Aug 17 23:21:24 easyBox vdr: [3316] frontend 1/0 lost lock on channel 514, tp 578
Aug 17 23:21:25 easyBox vdr: [3316] frontend 1/0 regained lock on channel 514, tp 578
Aug 17 23:21:25 easyBox kernel: [ 1277.005339] cx88[0]/2-mpeg: general errors: 0x00000100
Aug 17 23:21:25 easyBox vdr: [3446] TS packet DISCONTINUE detected pid 160 0x00a0
it only happens on DVB-S2 HD channels, as MTV HD Live which is DVB-S HD works fine.
i don't understand as i use the drivers that worked fine on EasyVDR 8.0.6
i believed your dvb-local.deb contained dvb drivers so that i could try with kernel 2.6.32-28.
now i use k 2.6.32-26, under k 2.6.32-28, i can't compile the driver >
i've installed your kernel-headers 2.6.32-28, it complains about a problem with build/.config which is not found
Do you mean the ReelChannellist plugin? it's a bit unstable and unable to add channels to favorites. I want to make this working.
Perhaps a update should solve the problem...
Yestarday, i tried to activate noad on a recording, but it doesn't seem to work. Is it the same for you?
PS: i think i've found the problem for my HD channels, compiling drivers to check...
18.08.2011, 10:15 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.08.2011, 13:13 von TVIA.)
Zitat:...problem with build/.config which is not found
Oh, this is easy ... Look at /lib/modules/...
an check the build link to the headers. Maybe you mast copy the config file from 2.6.32-26 to 2.6.32.*28
Zitat:Do you mean the ReelChannellist plugin? it's a bit unstable and unable to add channels to favorites. I want to make this working.
Perhaps a update should solve the problem...
-- it´s a new reel plugin
try this version and rename and the *.conf to /etc/vdr/plugins/reelchannellist
Zitat:Yestarday, i tried to activate noad on a recording, but it doesn't seem to work. Is it the same for you?
no i do not try, maybe the noad.conf file in /etc/vdr/plugins/noad ist destroyed or missing?
You try to start noad after recording and it´s working?