Kodi 18.8 / PVR-VNSI / - Druckversion

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Kodi 18.8 / PVR-VNSI / - grumpf - 24.09.2020


wenn man via Kodi/VNSI über EPG einen Timer hinzufügen will, dann kommt nur noch folgenden Eintrag im kodi.log:
2020-09-24 01:23:08.941 T:140565451426496   ERROR: CreateFromAttributes: Unable to resolve timer type (0x2, 0x2400009, 1151313531)
2020-09-24 01:23:08.941 T:140565451426496   ERROR: CreateFromEpg: Unable to create any epg-based timer type

Es ist das Kodi 18.8.0 Git:20200728-45kannischnischtmehrlesen, wahrscheinlichst aus dem EA5-Depot.

Habe einmal gesurft und dies hier gefunden https://forum.kodi.tv/archive/index.php?thread-261847-4.html
2017-03-12, 15:51
I just checked the VDR-server version: (log from client RPi3)
T:2713707424  NOTICE: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: Logged in at
'1489314892+3600' to 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server'
Version: '1.5.2' with protocol version '10'

On the Server (WetekPlay) I have enabled "EPG search"-plugin also

The log on the client says:
14:49:13.458 T:1961947136   ERROR: CPVRTimerType::CreateFromAttributes unable to resolve timer type (0x2, 0x9, 764685095)

14:49:13.458 T:1961947136   ERROR: CreateFromEpg - unable to create any epg-based timer type
What can I do to solve the issue?
If you need further info or a debug-log, please let me know
2017-03-12, 23:21
As mentioned in this thread, VDR >= 2.3.1 is required

Oder https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=292883
Here is the error I get when I click on "Record" on the EPG, this is from the log as nothing is printed to the UI

17:10:03 T:548249378816 ERROR: CPVRTimerType::CreateFromAttributes unable to resolve timer type (0x0, 0xb, 44)
17:10:03 T:548249378816 ERROR: CreateFromEpg - unable to create any epg-based timer type

The only reference I could find to this is the actual source: PVRTimerInfoTag.cpp

Any suggestions? as to why I'm unable to set a recording?

Und der letzte https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=330731 ;
Please create an issue on github. I'm in the process of implementing the EPG search timers and already converted the existing timers. Most probably they are missing a flag. You can link this commit in the issue: https://github.com/manuelm/pvr.dvbviewer...8da5abe426
Achtung: Der redet __nicht__ vom VNSI-Plugin, sondern vom dvbviewer...

Anderes Problem (aber gleicher Kreis):
Wenn ich in Kodi 18.8 über TV/Kategorien Timer/Timer hinzufügen gehe, dann kachelt Kodi kommentarlos ab... und im Kodi-Log/Crash-Log steht nix:

[email protected]:~# tail -20 /var/lib/vdr/kodi_crashlog-20200924_012958.log
2020-09-24 01:22:40.285 T:140563262576384  NOTICE:  (VDPAU) Creating the video mixer
2020-09-24 01:22:40.289 T:140563270969088  NOTICE: VDPAU::COutput::InitBufferPool - Output Surface created
2020-09-24 01:22:40.382 T:140565451426496  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 6 times.
2020-09-24 01:22:40.382 T:140565451426496  NOTICE: CInteropState::Init: vdpau gl interop initialized
2020-09-24 01:22:40.383 T:140565451426496  NOTICE: GL: Using VDPAU render method
2020-09-24 01:22:40.384 T:140565451426496  NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected
2020-09-24 01:22:40.384 T:140565451426496  NOTICE: GL: Using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
2020-09-24 01:22:40.384 T:140565451426496  NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D
2020-09-24 01:22:40.570 T:140565354116864  NOTICE: PulseAudio: Opened device Default in pcm mode with Buffersize 150 ms
2020-09-24 01:22:41.182 T:140563620124416 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
2020-09-24 01:22:42.103 T:140563620124416 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
2020-09-24 01:22:42.103 T:140563620124416  NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::CDropControl: calculated diff time: 20000
2020-09-24 01:23:08.941 T:140565451426496   ERROR: CreateFromAttributes: Unable to resolve timer type (0x2, 0x2400009, 1151313531)
2020-09-24 01:23:08.941 T:140565451426496   ERROR: CreateFromEpg: Unable to create any epg-based timer type
2020-09-24 01:29:52.568 T:140565451426496   ERROR: Control 602 in window 12901 has been asked to focus, but it can't

############### END LOG FILE ################

############ END Kodi CRASH LOG #############
[email protected]:~#
Ich sach' jezz ma', dass finde ich doof, nur noch Timer aus dem OSD zu setzen. Der lighttpd hat auch ein Problem bei den Timern, ich habe mich da schon wundeditiert - muss ich aber noch einmal nachsehen.

