Kodi 18.8 / PVR-VNSI / - Druckversion +- easyVDR (http://www.easy-vdr.de) +-- Forum: easyVDR (http://www.easy-vdr.de/forum-5.html) +--- Forum: easyVDR 5.0 (Alpha) (http://www.easy-vdr.de/forum-161.html) +---- Forum: Kodi (http://www.easy-vdr.de/forum-163.html) +---- Thema: Kodi 18.8 / PVR-VNSI / (/thread-18865.html) |
Kodi 18.8 / PVR-VNSI / - grumpf - 24.09.2020 Hi, wenn man via Kodi/VNSI über EPG einen Timer hinzufügen will, dann kommt nur noch folgenden Eintrag im kodi.log: Code: 2020-09-24 01:23:08.941 T:140565451426496 ERROR: CreateFromAttributes: Unable to resolve timer type (0x2, 0x2400009, 1151313531) Es ist das Kodi 18.8.0 Git:20200728-45kannischnischtmehrlesen, wahrscheinlichst aus dem EA5-Depot. Habe einmal gesurft und dies hier gefunden https://forum.kodi.tv/archive/index.php?thread-261847-4.html ... Solo0815 2017-03-12, 15:51 I just checked the VDR-server version: (log from client RPi3) Code: Code: 11:34:52.149 On the Server (WetekPlay) I have enabled "EPG search"-plugin also The log on the client says: Code: Code: 14:49:13.458 T:1961947136 ERROR: CPVRTimerType::CreateFromAttributes unable to resolve timer type (0x2, 0x9, 764685095) If you need further info or a debug-log, please let me know FernetMenta 2017-03-12, 23:21 As mentioned in this thread, VDR >= 2.3.1 is required Oder https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=292883 Here is the error I get when I click on "Record" on the EPG, this is from the log as nothing is printed to the UI Log: 17:10:03 T:548249378816 ERROR: CPVRTimerType::CreateFromAttributes unable to resolve timer type (0x0, 0xb, 44) 17:10:03 T:548249378816 ERROR: CreateFromEpg - unable to create any epg-based timer type ... The only reference I could find to this is the actual source: PVRTimerInfoTag.cpp Any suggestions? as to why I'm unable to set a recording? Und der letzte https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=330731 ; Please create an issue on github. I'm in the process of implementing the EPG search timers and already converted the existing timers. Most probably they are missing a flag. You can link this commit in the issue: https://github.com/manuelm/pvr.dvbviewer...8da5abe426 Achtung: Der redet __nicht__ vom VNSI-Plugin, sondern vom dvbviewer... Anderes Problem (aber gleicher Kreis): Wenn ich in Kodi 18.8 über TV/Kategorien Timer/Timer hinzufügen gehe, dann kachelt Kodi kommentarlos ab... und im Kodi-Log/Crash-Log steht nix: Code: [email protected]:~# tail -20 /var/lib/vdr/kodi_crashlog-20200924_012958.log Tschö Gunther |