WWW::NationalRail - Perl interface to the UK rail timetable

      use WWW::NationalRail;

      my $rail = WWW::NationalRail->new({
        from        => "London",
        to          => "Cambridge",
        out_date    => "18/12/05",
        out_type    => "depart",
        out_hour    => 9,
        out_minute  => 0,
        ret_date    => "18/12/05",
        ret_type    => "depart",
        ret_hour    => 17,
        ret_minute  => 0,

      $rail->search or die $rail->error();

      my $os = $rail->outward_summary; # array reference
      my $rs = $rail->return_summary;

      $os->[0]{depart}      # "09:06"
      $os->[0]{arrive}      # "10:25"
      $os->[0]{changes}     # "0" 
      $os->[0]{duration}    # "1:19" 

      my $od = $rail->outward_detail;
      my $rd = $rail->return_detail;

      $od->[0]->{duration}; # "1:19"

      my $legs = $od->[0]{legs} # array reference

      $legs->[0]{station}   # "LONDON KINGS CROSS"
      $legs->[0]{arrive}    # undef
      $legs->[0]{depart}    # "09:06"
      $legs->[0]{travelby}  # "Train"
      $legs->[0]{operator}  # "WAGN RAIL"

      $rail->ret_hour(19);  # change search parameters
      $rail->search();      # and search again

    WWW::NationalRail is a Perl interface to the UK national rail timetable

        The constructor accepts the arguments for the search as a has
        reference. The from and to fields are required, the rest are
        optional and will use a National Rail supplied default.

        from       Departure station.

        to         Destination station.

        via        Via station.

        out_date   Outbound date in the format "DD/MM/YY". Defaults to

        out_type   Possible values are "depart" to search by outbound
                   departure time or "arrive" to search by outbound arrival
                   time. Defaults to "depart".

        out_hour   Outbound hour, 0 to 23. Defaults to sometime in the near

        out_minute Outbound minute, 0 to 59. Defaults to sometime in the
                   near future.

        ret_date   Return date in the format "DD/MM/YY". Leave blank for

        ret_type   Similar to out_type. Either "depart or "arrive". Defaults
                   to "depart".

        ret_hour   Return hour, 0 to 23. Leave blank for one-way.

        ret_minute Return minute, 0 to 59. Leave blank for one-way.

        Object method to run the search and parse the results.

    outbound_summary() and return_summary()
        Each returns a reference to an array of hashes. For journeys in one
        direction return_summary() will be undef. The hash representing a
        summary has four fields:

        depart   Time of departure.

        arrive   Time of arrival.

        changes  Number of changes.

        duration Duration of the journey.

    outbound_details() and return_details()
        Each returns a reference to an array of hashes. For journeys in one
        direction return_details() will be undef. The hash representing a
        journey has four two fields:

        legs     Reference to an array of hashes.

        duration Duration of the journey.

        The legs hash has four five fields:

        station  Name of the station.

        arrive   Time of arrival at this station, undef for the first leg.

        depart   Time of departure from this station, undef for the last

        travelby Means of transport, will usually be train, but could also
                 be foot, coach, or tube.

        operator The train operating company.

    Edward Betts, "<>"

    Copyright (C) 2005 by Edward Betts

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.