NAME Template::Plugin::ScalarUtil - Scalar::Util plugin for Template-Toolkit VERSION version 1.121160 SYNOPSIS [% USE ScalarUtil %] # blessed [% ScalarUtil.blessed(EXPR) ? 'blessed' : 'not blessed' %] # dualvar [% SET dv = ScalarUtil.dualvar( 5, "Hello" ) %] [% SET num = dv + 7 %] [% SET string = dv _ " world!" %] [% num == string.length ? "correct" : "ups" %] # isvstring [% ScalarUtil.isvstring(vstring) ? 'is vstring' : 'is not vstring' %] # looks_like_number [% ScalarUtil.looks_like_number('Infinity') ? 'number' : 'not number' %] # openhandle [% ScalarUtil.openhandle(FH) ? "opened" : "not opened" %] # refaddr [% ScalarUtil.refaddr(EXPR) %] # reftype [% ScalarUtil.reftype(EXPR) %] # tainted [% ScalarUtil.tainted(EXPR) %] DESCRIPTION Use Scalar::Util functions in your templates. METHODS blessed [% IF ScalarUtil.blessed(EXPR); EXPR.method(args); END; %] Returns the name of the package if "EXPR" is a blessed reference. dualvar [% SET dv = ScalarUtil.dualvar( num, string ) %] Returns a scalar that has the value "num" in a numeric context and the value "string" in a string context. isvstring [% USE vstring = format('%vd'); USE string = format('%s'); IF ScalarUtil.isvstring(EXPR); vstring(EXPR); ELSE; string(EXPR); END; %] Returns true if "EXPR" was coded as vstring; looks_like_number [% IF ScalarUtil.looks_like_number(EXPR) %] [% EXPR %] looks like number [% END %] Returns true if perl thinks "EXPR" is a number. openhandle [% IF ScalarUtil.openhandle(FH) %] FH is an opened filehandle [% END %] Returns "FH" if it is opened filehandle, "undef" otherwise. refaddr [% ScalarUtil.refaddr(EXPR) %] Returns internal memory address of the "EXPR" if it is a reference, "undef" otherwise. reftype [% SWITCH ScalarUtil.reftype(EXPR) %] [% CASE 'ARRAY' %] [% EXPR.size %] [% CASE 'HASH' %] [% EXPR.list.size %] [% END %] Returns the type of the "EXPR" if it is a reference, "undef" otherwise. tainted [% IF ScalarUtil.tainted(EXPR) %] EXPR is tainted [% END %] Returns true if "EXPR" is tainted. NOTES Please note that following methods were NOT implemented due to the nature of TT's stash. * isweak * readonly * set_prototype * weaken SEE ALSO Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module. * Scalar::Util AUTHOR Alex J. G. Burzyński <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Alex J. G. Burzyński <>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.