VertFigure -- generate schematic illustrations of vertebral columns Copyright 2013-2014 Mike Taylor <> Licensed under the Gnu General Public Licence v3.0 -- This project contains VertFigure, a program for generating schematic illustrations of vertebral columns, visually similar to that of Wedel (2009:supplementary figure 1): It was first written to make Wedel and Taylor (2013a: figure 9): And then re-used to make Wedel and Taylor (2013b: figure 2): Input is in the VCD (Vertebral Column Description) format, which is defined for the first time in this project (but not yet documented). Two such inputs (the ones we used for the 2013 papers) are "bifurcation.vcd" and "pbj.vcd", and can be found in the "examples" area. These files are translated into SVG by the bin/VertFigure script. This is written in Perl, using the SVG library. REFERENCES ---------- Wedel, Mathew J. 2009. Evidence for bird-like air sacs in saurischian dinosaurs. Journal of Experimental Zoology 311A:611-628. Wedel, Mathew J., and Michael P. Taylor. 2013a. Neural spine bifurcation in sauropod dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation: ontogenetic and phylogenetic implications. PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 10(1):1-34. Wedel, Mathew J., and Michael P. Taylor 2013b. Caudal pneumaticity and pneumatic hiatuses in the sauropod dinosaurs Giraffatitan and Apatosaurus. PLOS ONE 8(10):e78213. 14 pages. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078213