package DR::Tarantool; =head1 NAME DR::Tarantool - perl driver for L<tarantool|> =head1 SYNOPSIS use DR::Tarantool ':constant', 'tarantool'; use DR::Tarantool ':all'; my $tnt = tarantool host => '', port => 123, spaces => { ... } ; $tnt->update( ... ); my $tnt = coro_tarantool host => '', port => 123, spaces => { ... } ; use DR::Tarantool ':constant', 'async_tarantool'; async_tarantool host => '', port => 123, spaces => { ... }, sub { ... } ; $tnt->update(...); =head1 DESCRIPTION The module provides sync and async drivers for L<tarantool|>. The driver uses libtarantool* libraries for making requests and parsing responses. =cut use 5.008008; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; $Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++; use base qw(Exporter); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( client => [ qw( tarantool async_tarantool coro_tarantool) ], constant => [ qw( TNT_INSERT TNT_SELECT TNT_UPDATE TNT_DELETE TNT_CALL TNT_PING TNT_FLAG_RETURN TNT_FLAG_ADD TNT_FLAG_REPLACE TNT_FLAG_BOX_QUIET TNT_FLAG_NOT_STORE ) ], ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS ); $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = \@EXPORT_OK; our @EXPORT = @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{client} }; our $VERSION = '0.33'; =head1 EXPORT =head2 tarantool connects to L<tarantool|> in sync mode using L<DR::Tarantool::SyncClient>. =cut sub tarantool { require DR::Tarantool::SyncClient; no warnings 'redefine'; *tarantool = sub { DR::Tarantool::SyncClient->connect(@_); }; goto \&tarantool; } =head2 async_tarantool connects to L<tarantool|> in async mode using L<DR::Tarantool::AsyncClient>. =cut sub async_tarantool { require DR::Tarantool::AsyncClient; no warnings 'redefine'; *async_tarantool = sub { DR::Tarantool::AsyncClient->connect(@_); }; goto \&async_tarantool; } =head2 coro_tarantol connects to L<tarantool|> in async mode using L<DR::Tarantool::CoroClient>. =cut sub coro_tarantool { require DR::Tarantool::CoroClient; no warnings 'redefine'; *coro_tarantool = sub { DR::Tarantool::CoroClient->connect(@_); }; goto \&coro_tarantool; } =head2 :constant Exports constants to use in request as flags: =over =item TNT_FLAG_RETURN If You use the flag, driver will return tuple that were inserted/deleted/updated. =item TNT_FLAG_ADD Try to add tuple. Return error if tuple is already exists. =item TNT_FLAG_REPLACE Try to replace tuple. Return error if tuple isn't exists. =back =cut require XSLoader; XSLoader::load('DR::Tarantool', $VERSION); =head2 :all Exports all functions and constants. =head1 SEE ALSO The module uses L<DR::Tarantool::SyncClient> and (or) L<DR::Tarantool::AsyncClient>. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011 Dmitry E. Oboukhov <> Copyright (C) 2011 Roman V. Nikolaev <> This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License. =head1 VCS The project is placed git repo on github: L<>. =cut 1;