Test::Mojo::Role::TestDeep - Add Test::Deep methods to Test::Mojo::WithRoles


version 0.007


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    use Test::Mojo::WithRoles 'TestDeep';
    use Test::Deep; # Get Test::Deep comparison functions

    my $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new( 'MyApp' );

    # Test JSON responses with Test::Deep
    $t->get_ok( '/data.json' )
        superhashof( { foo => 'bar' } ),
        'has at least a foo key with "bar" value',

    # Test HTML with Test::Deep
    $t->get_ok( '/index.html' )
        'nav a',
        [qw( Home Blog Projects About Contact )],
        'nav link text matches site section titles',
        'nav a',
        href => [qw( / /blog /projects /about /contact )],
        'nav link href matches site section URLs',


This module adds some [Test::Deep](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Deep) functionality to [Test::Mojo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mojo).
`Test::Deep` allows for extremely-customizable testing of data
structures. This module adds some helper methods to `Test::Mojo` (using
[Test::Mojo::WithRoles](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mojo::WithRoles)) to test your web app's responses using


## json\_deeply

    $t->json_deeply( $expect, $desc )
    $t->json_deeply( $ptr, $expect, $desc )

Test that the current response (parsed as a JSON object) matches the given
tests. `$expect` is a data structure containing [Test::Deep
comparisons](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Deep#SPECIAL-COMPARISONS-PROVIDED) to run. `$desc` is an
optional description of the test.

If given, `$ptr` is a JSON pointer string to pick out a single part of the
data structure. This is more convenient than using Test::Deep's comparison
routines to do the same thing. See [Mojo::JSON::Pointer](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::JSON::Pointer).

Corresponds to [cmp\_deeply in Test::Deep](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Deep#COMPARISON-FUNCTIONS).

## text\_deeply

    $t->text_deeply( $selector => $expect, $desc );

Test the text of the elements matched by the given `$selector` against
the given test. `$expect` is a data structure containing [Test::Deep
comparisons](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Deep#SPECIAL-COMPARISONS-PROVIDED) to run. `$desc` is
an optional description of the test.

The elements will always be an arrayref, even if only one
element matches.

For example:

    # test.html
            <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="/blog">Blog</a></li>
            <li><a href="/projects">Projects</a></li>

    # test.t
    $t->get_ok( 'test.html' )
        'nav a' => bag( qw( Home Blog Projects ) ),
        'nav element text is correct',

This is equivalent to:

    $t->get_ok( 'test.html' );
    my $dom = $t->tx->res->dom;
        [ $dom->find( 'nav a' )->map( 'text' )->each ],
        bag( qw( Home Blog Projects ) ),
        'nav element text is correct';

## all\_text\_deeply

    $t->all_text_deeply( $selector => $expect, $desc );

Test the complete text of the elements and all child elements matched by
the given `$selector` against the given test. `$expect` is a data
structure containing [Test::Deep comparisons](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Deep#SPECIAL-COMPARISONS-PROVIDED) to run. `$desc` is an optional description of the

The elements will always be an arrayref, even if only one
element matches.

For example:

    # test.html
            <li><a href="/"><em>Home</em></a></li>
            <li><a href="/blog">Blog</a></li>
            <li><a href="/projects"><strong>Projects</strong></a></li>

    # test.t
    $t->get_ok( 'test.html' )
        'nav a' => bag( qw( Home Blog Projects ) ),
        'nav element text is correct',

This is equivalent to:

    $t->get_ok( 'test.html' );
    my $dom = $t->tx->res->dom;
        [ $dom->find( 'nav a' )->map( 'all_text' )->each ],
        bag( qw( Home Blog Projects ) ),
        'nav element text is correct';

## attr\_deeply

    $t->attr_deeply( $selector, $attr => $expect, ..., $desc );

Test the given attributes of the elements matched by the given selector
against the given test. `$expect` is a data structure containing
[Test::Deep comparisons](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Deep#SPECIAL-COMPARISONS-PROVIDED) to
run. `$desc` is an optional description of the test.

The element attributes will always be an arrayref, even if only one
element matches.

For example:

    # test.html
    <form action="/search" method="GET">

    # test.t
    $t->get_ok( 'test.html' )
        action => [qw( /search )],
        method => [re( qr( get )i )],
        'form element is correct',

This is equivalent to:

    $t->get_ok( 'test.html' );
    my $dom = $t->tx->res->dom;
        [ $dom->find( 'form' )->map( attr => 'action' )->each ],
        [ qw( /search ) ],
        'form element action is correct',
        [ $dom->find( 'form' )->map( attr => 'method' )->each ],
        [ re( qr( get )i ) ],
        'form element method is correct',


- [Test::Deep](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Deep)
- [Test::Mojo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mojo)
- [Test::Mojo::WithRoles](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Mojo::WithRoles)


Doug Bell <preaction@cpan.org>


Doug Bell <madcityzen@gmail.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Doug Bell.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.