SGE Modules

These are light-weight modules designed to submit jobs to the Sun Grid Engine, and query the status of the engine. There are more comprehensive modules available in DRMAA. The alternate module, DRMAA, relies on Swig and a bunch of C code. This is a pure perl implementation of an interface to SGE. The required commands are qsub, qdel, and qstat that should be supplied by SGE.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables should probably be set. The values below are the defaults for my system, an Orion cluster
	SGE_CELL		=>  "orionmulti"
	SGE_EXECD_PORT		=>  537
	SGE_ROOT		=>  /opt/sge

These are set at the beginning of

There are currently four modules, SGE that is the glue, SGE::Run allows you to submit jobs to the SGE. SGE::Control for starting/stopping/deleting jobs, and SGE::Status for seeing what the cluster is currently up to. You should be able to use SGE; in your script and have all methods available to you.

Methods should be documented with perldoc.

This has only been tested on an Orion 12-node desktop cluster. I would be happy to crash test it on any other clusters, just give me a login or send me a cluster to use.

Version History

0.01 April 2005. Initial release to the wild
0.02 October 2005. Received these excellent comments from Hinri Kerstens:

	Thank you for writing the ScheduleSGE perl module. When using this
	module I found two 'mismatches' between your system and mine.
	- My SGE version (5.3) returns "your job" instead of "Your job" after
	submission of a job. Maybe you can make line 233 of tolerant for
	- The CPAN documentation claims that a jobID can be grabbed by  "my
	$pid=$sge->job_id;", but job_id doesn't exist in the modules. It should
	be "my $pid=$sge->execute;" isn't it?
	After these modifications the module runs happily, so keep on the good

These two bugs have been fixed, and the method job_id added