# About #

Apache::Test is a test toolkit for testing an Apache server with any
configuration. It works with Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.0 and any of its
modules, including mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0. It was originally developed
for testing mod_perl 2.0.

# Documentation #

For an extensive documentation see the tutorial:


and the documentation of the specific Apache::Test modules, which can
be read using 'perldoc', for example:

  % perldoc Apache::TestUtil

and the 'Testing mod_perl 2.0' article:

# Got a question? #

Post it to the test-dev <at> perl.apache.org list. The list is
moderated, so unless you are subscribed to it it may take some time
for your post to make it to the list.

For more information see: http://perl.apache.org/docs/Apache-Test/

List's archive (none at moment)

# Cheat List #

see Makefile.PL for howto enable 'make test'

see t/TEST as an example test harness

see t/*.t for example tests

if the file t/conf/httpd.conf.in exists, it will be used instead of
the default template (in Apache/TestConfig.pm);

if the file t/conf/extra.conf.in exists, it will be used to generate
t/conf/extra.conf with @variable@ substitutions

if the file t/conf/extra.conf exists, it will be included by

if the file t/conf/modperl_extra.pl exists, it will be included by
httpd.conf as a mod_perl file (PerlRequire)

# Handy examples #

some examples of what i find handy:
see TEST -help for more options

test verbosely
% t/TEST -verbose

start the server
% t/TEST -start

run just this test (if server is running, will not be re-started)
% t/TEST t/apr/table

run just the apr tests
% t/TEST t/apr

run all tests without start/stop of server (e.g. server was started with -d)
% t/TEST -run

stop the server
% t/TEST -stop

ping the server to see whether it runs
% t/TEST -ping

ping the server and wait until the server starts, report waiting time
% t/TEST -ping=block

reconfigure the server, do not run tests
% t/TEST -configure

run as user nobody:
% t/TEST -User nobody

run on a different port:
% t/TEST -Port 8799

let the program pick the next available port (useful when running a
few test sessions on parallel)
% t/TEST -Port select

run on a different server:
% t/TEST -servername example.com

configure an httpd other than the default (that apxs figures out)
% t/TEST -httpd ~/ap/httpd-2.0/httpd

configure a DSO mod_perl object other than the default (that stored in
% t/TEST -libmodperl ~/ap/httpd-2.0/modules/mod_perl-5.8.0.so
or one that can be found relative to LIBEXECDIR
% t/TEST -libmodperl mod_perl-5.6.1.so

switch to another apxs
% t/TEST -apxs ~/ap/httpd-2.0-prefork/bin/apxs

turn on tracing
% t/TEST -preamble "PerlTrace all"

GET url
% t/TEST -get /server-info

HEAD url
% t/TEST -head /server-info

HEAD (no url defaults to /)
% t/TEST -head

GET url with authentication credentials
% t/TEST -get /server-info -username dougm -password foo

POST url (read content from string)
% t/TEST -post /TestApache::post -content 'name=dougm&company=covalent'

POST url (read content from stdin)
% t/TEST -post /TestApache::post -content - < foo.txt

POST url (generate a body of data 1024 bytes in length)
% t/TEST -post /TestApache::post -content x1024

POST url (only print headers, e.g. useful to just check Content-length)
% t/TEST -post -head /TestApache::post -content x100000

GET url (only print headers, e.g. useful to just check Content-length)
% t/TEST -get -head /foo

start server under gdb
% t/TEST -debug

start server under strace (outputs to t/logs/strace.log)
% t/TEST -d strace

run .t test under the perl debugger
% t/TEST -d perl t/modules/access.t

run .t test under the perl debugger (nonstop mode, output to t/logs/perldb.out)
% t/TEST -d perl=nostop t/modules/access.t

control how much noise Apache::Test should produce. to print all the
debug messages: 
% t/TEST -trace=debug
to print only warnings and higher trace levels:
% t/TEST -trace=warning
the available modes are:
  emerg alert crit error warning notice info debug

turn on -v and LWP trace (1 is the default) mode in Apache::TestRequest
% t/TEST -d lwp t/modules/access.t

turn on -v and LWP trace mode (level 2) in Apache::TestRequest
% t/TEST -d lwp=2 t/modules/access.t

run all tests through mod_ssl
% t/TEST -ssl

run all tests with HTTP/1.1 (keep alive) requests
% t/TEST -http11 -ssl

run all tests with HTTP/1.1 (keep alive) requests through mod_ssl
% t/TEST -http11

run all tests through mod_proxy
% t/TEST -proxy

# Stress testing #

run all tests 10 times in a random order (the seed is autogenerated
and reported) 
% t/TEST -times=10 -order=random

run all tests 10 times in a random order using the seed obtained from
the previous random run (e.g. 2352211):
% t/TEST -times=10 -order=2352211

rotate all tests 10 times (a, b, c, a, b, c)
% t/TEST -times=10 -order=rotate

repeat all tests 10 times (a, a, b, b, c, c)
% t/TEST -times=10 -order=repeat

When certain tests fail when running with -times option, you want to
find out the minimal sequence of tests that lead to the
failure. Apache::TestSmoke helps to ease this task, simply run:

which tries various sequences of tests and at the end reports the
shortest sequences found that lead to the same failure.

for more options do:
% t/SMOKE -help