CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::Simple - Add Config::Simple support to

    in your CGI::Application based module

            use CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::Simple;

        sub cgiapp_init {
              my $self = shift;
              #set my config file

              #do other stuff

            #later on in a run mode
            sub run_mode1 {
              my $self = shift;

              #just get a single parameter from my config file
              my $value = $self->config_param('my_param');

              #get a parameter in a block (if using ini style files)
              $value = $self->config_param('my_block.my_param');

              #the entire config hash reference
              my $config_vars = $self->config_param();

              #get my Config::Simple object for direct access
              my $config = $self->config;

    This module acts as a plugin for Config::Simple to be easily used inside
    of a CGI::Application module. It does not provide every method available
    from Config::Simple but rather easy access to your configuration
    variables. It does however provide direct access to the underlying
    Config::General object created if you want to use it's full power.

    The module tries to make the getting and setting of configuration
    variables as easy as possible. Only three methods are exported into your
    CGI::Application module and they are described below.

    Before I wrote this module sometimes I would put my code that read in
    the configuration file into the cgiapp_init() or cgiapp_prerun() methods
    but then if I had a run mode that didn't need those config variables it
    was run anyway. This module helps to solve this is. The Config::Simple
    object is not created (and the config file is not read and parsed) until
    after your first call to config() or config_param() to either
    retrieve/set values, or get the Config::Simple object. This lazy loading
    idea came from Cees Hek's CGI::Application::Plugin::Session module.


    This method acts as an accessor/mutator for configuration variables
    coming from the configuration file.

    This method will behave in three different ways depending on how many
    parameters it is passed. If 0 parameters are passed then the entire
    config structure will be returned as a hash ref. If 1 parameters is
    passed then the value of that parameter in the config file will be
    returned. If more than 1 parameter is passed then it will treat them as
    name value pairs and will set the parameters in the config file
    accordingly. In this case, if we successfully set the parameters then a
    true value will be returned.

            #get the complete config hash
            my $config_hash = $self->config_param();
            #just get one config value
            my $value = $self->config_param($parameter);
            #set multiple config values
            my $success = $self->config_param(param1 => $value1, param2 => $value2);
    This method uses Config::Simple so if you are using ini-files then you
    can set the values of variables inside blocks as well using the '.'
    notation. See Config::Simple;

    You must set the name of the configuration file either using the
    config_file() method or the CGIAPP_CONFIG_FILE environment variable
    before calling this method or it will 'die'.


    This method will return the underlying Config::Simple object for more
    direct use by your application. You must set the name of the
    configuration file either using the config_file() method or the
    CGIAPP_CONFIG_FILE environment variable before calling this method or it
    will 'die'.

            my $conf = $self->config();

    This method acts as an accessor/mutator to either get the name of the
    current config file or to change/initialize it. This method must be
    called to initialize the name of the config file before any call can be
    made to either config() or config_param() unless the
    'CGIAPP_CONFIG_FILE' environment variable has been set. If this
    environment variable is set it will be used as the initial value of the
    config file. This is useful if we are running in a mod_perl environment
    when can use a statement like this in your httpd.conf file:

            PerlSetEnv  CGIAPP_CONFIG_FILE  /path/to/my/conf

    It is typical to set the name of the config file in the cgiapp_init()
    phase of your application.

    If a value is passed as a parameter then the config file with that name
    is used. It will always return the name of the current config file.

            #get the value of the CGIAPP_CONFIG_FILE environment variable (if there is one)
            #since we haven't set the config file's name with config_file() yet.
            my $file_name = $self->config_file();
            #set the config file's name
            #get the name of the config file
            $file_name = $self->config_file();
    The CGI::Application object is implemented as a hash and we store the
    variables used by this module's methods inside of it as a hash named
    __CONFIG_SIMPLE. If you use any other CGI::Application plugins there
    would be problems if they also used $self->{__CONFIG_SIMPLE} but in
    practice this should never actually happen.

    Michael Peters <>

    Thanks to Plus Three, LP ( for sponsoring my
    work on this module

    * CGI::Application
    * Config::Simple
    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.