Linux::Svgalib ============== This module provides a Perl interface to svgalib - a library of graphics routines that work in the Linux virtual console. There is an existing module called 'vga' that provides similar facilities - the major difference being that this module provides a vaguely object oriented interface and attempts to make it easier to work with some of the svgalib functions that return or take as arguments C datatypes that are sometimes difficult to work with in Perl. ## INSTALLATION ** N.B. The svgalib operates at a fairly low level and may not be compatible with certain hardware or other running software, do not install it on a system that you can't reboot without warning ** To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Because of the way in which svgalib works you will almost certainly need to become the superuser before running 'make test' - infact on most systems you will either need to be the superuser or have created a setuid program to use this module properly at all, it is also unlikely to work at all from within an X terminal window of some sort. ## DEPENDENCIES This module obviously requires svgalib in order to build, unless you have built the library from source then you may have to install the 'devel' package as well in what ever way is provided on your system. It has been tested with version 1.4.2 of the library but it doesnt appear that the API has changed since about 1.2 so anything since then should work but I am not going to make any guarantees about that. As far as I know svgalib only works on x86 linux - but I dont have any alternative hardware on which to test this assertion. ## SUPPORT As most PC hardware has moved beyond what is supported by this library it is difficult to know whether it works properly or at all, or even how to test it. It compiles though. If you are lucky enough to have hardware that it supports and you find it has a problem, please send a patch or report via the github: ## COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright © 2001-2016 Jonathan Stowe <> . This is free software - it can be modified and/or distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the Perl licence can be found in the README file in the Perl distribution.