Win32::CtrlGUI - a Module for controlling Win32 GUIs based on

      use Win32::CtrlGUI

      my $window = Win32::CtrlGUI::wait_for_window(qr/Notepad/);

    "Win32::CtrlGUI" makes it much easier to use "Win32::Setupsup" to
    control Win32 GUIs. It relies completely on "Win32::Setupsup" for its
    underlying interaction with the GUI, but it provides a very powerful and
    somewhat user-friendly OO interface to make things easier.

    There are a number of modules in the system, so a brief overview will be
    provided to make it easier to understand.

        This module provides a set of methods for identifying and
        enumerating windows.

        "Win32::CtrlGUI::Window" objects represent GUI windows. Internally,
        they simply store the window handle. Stringification is overloaded
        to return the window text, whereas numification and numeric
        comparison are overloaded to operate on the handle. Friendlier
        versions of the methods applicable to windows are provided. Finally,
        a "send_keys" method is provided that uses a (IMHO) friendlier
        syntax (it's based on that used by WinBatch). Instead of sending the
        string "\\ALT+\\f\\ALT-\\x", one sends "!fx". Instead of sending
        "\\RET\\", one sends "{ENTER}" or "{RET}". Instead of sending
        "\\DOWN\\\\DOWN\\\\DOWN\\", one can send "{DOWN 3}".

        The "Win32::CtrlGUI::State" hierarchy of modules provides for a very
        powerful state machine system for responding to windows and
        executing actions as a result. If you're using "Win32::CtrlGUI" to
        script any sort of process, I strongly encourage you to look at the
        documentation in "Win32::CtrlGUI::State". Yes, it's complicated. But
        so is writing your own code to deal with optional windows, sequence
        forking, and so forth. For now, there isn't much documentation. See
        the script for some ideas, and beyond that, feel free to
        contact me if you have questions.

        Also, there is a Tk debugger now. It requires, of course, that Tk be
        installed. I haven't done much testing to see how it behaves on
        anything other than Perl 5.6.0 with Tk 800.022. Take a look at for an example.

        The "Win32::CtrlGUI::Criteria" hierarchy supports the
        "Win32::CtrlGUI::State" hierarchy by providing an OO interface to
        state criteria.

  Installation instructions
    "Win32::CtrlGUI" depends on "Win32::Setupsup", available from,
    although you might want to check that folder to see if there is a more
    recent version.

    If you want to use the Tk debugger/observer, you will need "Tk" and
    "Win32::API". Both are available from CPAN and via PPM.

    Standard "Make::Maker" approach or just move everything in "Win32" into

    This method returns a list of "Win32::CtrlGUI::Window" objects
    representing the windows currently open. It uses
    "Win32::Setupsup::EnumWindows" for the underlying call.

    This method waits a for a window matching the passed criteria. It
    accepts three parameters - criteria for the window, criteria for the
    child window, and a timeout. The last two parameters are optional. If
    you need to specify a timeout, but don't want to specify criteria for
    the child window, pass "undef" as the child window criteria.

    Criteria can be one of three things:

    *   A string. In this case, the string will be matched case
        insensitively against the window title.

    *   A regular expression. These should be passed using the "qr/ . . . /"

    *   A code reference (i.e. "sub { . . . }"). Code references will have
        access to a "Win32::CtrlGUI::Window" object in $_ and should return
        true or false.

    These three formats can be used both for the window and the child window
    criteria. In the special case of a string match on the window and no
    child window criteria, "Win32::Setupsup::WaitForWindow" will be used. In
    all other cases, a busy loop is executed using the default wait interval
    in $Win32::CtrlGUI::wait_intvl (specified in milliseconds).

    The call will return a "Win32::CtrlGUI::Window" object if successful or
    "undef" if it timesout. If the timeout value is unspecified or negative,
    it waits indefinitely. Timeout values are specified in seconds
    (fractional seconds are allowed).

    This method returns a list of all windows matching the passed criteria.
    Same criteria format as for "wait_for_window". Instead of a timeout, the
    third parameter is the optional justone parameter. If it is true,
    "get_windows" returns only the first window to match the criteria. The
    returned windows are, of course, "Win32::CtrlGUI::Window" objects.

    Toby Ovod-Everett,