			   DJabberd::Delivery::OfflineStorage::SQLite - 
           Old style offline storage of Messages

    Copyright (c) 2007 Piers Harding.
    All rights reserved.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of either:

	a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
	Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
	later version, or

	b) the "Artistic License".

Whats it for?

DJabberd::Delivery::OfflineStorage::(InMemory|SQLite) - is a simple Offline Storage
mechanism for DJabberd.  This handles offline storage of messages in the old style
prior to XEP-0013 and XEP-0160. 

If a user is offline, configured packets (should really only be Message type but
you could add IQ - really think about that though), then this plugin picks up
the packets at the end of the delivery chain and stores them.  When the user next
annouces their presence, offline storage is checked, and any stored messages are 
flooded through.


In brief, the following should work on most systems:
  perl Makefile.PL
	make test 
	make install


So you want offline storage - well add this to djabberd.conf:


        <Plugin DJabberd::Delivery::OfflineStorage::InMemoryOnly>
             Types Message

 For InMemoryOnly based storage, and:


        <Plugin DJabberd::Delivery::OfflineStorage::SQLite>
           Database offline.sqlite
           Types Message
 For SQLite based storage.

Parameter Database specifies the sqlite database file to use, and Types is a list of Stanza
types that will be collected.  This should really only be Message - think really hard before
you ad IQ to the list.

Cheers - Piers Harding - R/2 R/3 BASIS, IFACE, JAPH, whatever ...
