NAME Symbol::Util - Additional utils for Perl symbols manipulation SYNOPSIS use Symbol::Util ':all'; my $caller = caller; *{ fetch_glob("${caller}::foo") } = sub { "this is foo" }; my $coderef = fetch_glob("${caller}::bar", "CODE"); sub baz { 42; } export_glob($caller, "baz"); print join "\n", keys %{ stash("main") }; delete_glob("${caller}::foo", "CODE"); use constant PI => 3.14159265; delete_sub "PI"; # remove constant from public API require YAML; export_package(__PACKAGE__, "YAML", "Dump"); # import YAML::Dump unexport_package(__PACKAGE, "YAML"); # remove imported symbols no Symbol::Util; # clean all symbols imported from Symbol::Util DESCRIPTION This module provides a set of additional functions useful for Perl symbols manipulation. `stash' and `fetch_glob' functions gets stash or glob without need to use `no strict 'refs''. `delete_glob' function allows to delete specific slot of symbol name without deleting others. `delete_sub' removes the symbol from class API. This symbol won't be available as an object method. `export_package' works like Exporter module and allows to export symbols from one package to other. `unexport_package' allows to delete previously exported symbols. AUTHOR Piotr Roszatycki <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2009 by Piotr Roszatycki <>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See